CliqueClack TV

American Idol producers read CliqueClack – Open Letters

american-idolDear American Idol Producers,

I just want to send along a sincere thank you for issuing your public apology to Mark Mudd. While we already know that CliqueClack is one of the most important and influential sources on the web for television-related content, you can’t know how thrilled we are that CliqueClack had such an influence on you.

We already know that my post, In defense of Mark Mudd’s “Be Careful;” or how American Idol played cultural elitist was read by a lot of people, and most of them agreed with me. Primarily because I was right. So I’m glad that you are among our legions of fans so that I could educate you on this “regional greeting and salutation.” And it just warms our little hearts that we could help. I mean our big hearts, since we came to Mudd’s defense and all.

What I’m wondering is this: How is it that Paula and Simon are comfortable in letting you clean up their messes? It seems to me that the apology should have come from Simon and Paula, not from you. Maybe now that you’ve addressed this problem on your web site you’ll be allowing Simon and Paula the air time to issue their apology on the air.

Maybe once we go to live broadcasts after the Hollywood rounds, you could even invite Mr. Mudd to the set and apologize to him and all of the Midwest and Southern parts of America for your faux pas. I’ll be keeping an eye on you for the rest of the season and be sure to let you know the next time you cross the line. I expect it will be soon.

Yours most congenially and ingeniously,

Jason Hughes

P.S. For the readers here, my original post got a response from someone who may or may not have been Mark Mudd’s sister; you know how this internet thing works in cases of stuff like this. My gut tells me to believe her, but there are people out there who would pretend such a thing for no good reason other than to get attention … oh no, it’s working!

Anywho, we’ve got a word out to her to see if she, the family, or Mark have any response to this development. And to see if  Mark got a more direct apology, or if Idol was just hoping he’d happen to go to their website and see it for himself. If we get a response, we’ll be sure and let you know in the comments.

Photo Credit: FOX

One Response to “American Idol producers read CliqueClack – Open Letters”

February 2, 2009 at 3:09 PM

Can he return the Los Angeles manners and sue their butts off for defamation of character?

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