CliqueClack TV

House – Right brains, left hands and hallucinations


What the heck’s wrong with House? We thought we took a trip to hallucination land when he was hanging out with Amber, but he really lost his marbles this week. I’m not sure if this finale blew me away, left me confused or just made me love Carl Reiner more than ever (huge Dick Van Dyke fan here….).

What was successful for me was the way they juxtaposed the patient with the alien hand syndrome with House’s malady. It was all about the right brain, the side that controls our reality, who we are for real. After this episode, we are left with the question, “Who is House really?”

Those aren’t the only questions I’m left with. How about:

  • How much of tonight’s episode was hallucinated by House? They aren’t going to pull a Dallas on us, are they?
  • What’s really wrong with House? Is this all because of Vicodin, Kutner or some latent medical problem?
  • Did he really detox from the Vicodin?

I get that he didn’t really have sex with Cuddy, and I wonder if Kutner’s suicide made House want to rewrite his life, hence the psychiatric problems. This is really affecting House if he’s admitted that he needs help and checked himself into a facility. It will be interesting to watch this one unfold next season … will House jump the shark or blow the hatch?

My favorite quotes:

  • “Isn’t that like locking the barn door after the horse has put his face between your breasts for an hour and a half?” — House to Cuddy on her high-necked blouse
  • “It’s always a sad thing when sperm comes between people.” — Thirteen, on Cameron’s dead husband’s frozen sperm
  • “I’m sorry but I’m about to lose you because I’m about to drive into a tunnel in a canyon in an airplane while hanging up the phone.” — House to Eugene Schwartz (Carl Reiner) to get him off his cell phone
Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “House – Right brains, left hands and hallucinations”

May 11, 2009 at 11:16 PM

Considering I don’t watch the show, seeing the last scene when I switched to watch 24 made me really wish I’d been watching the show. But its one I feel I need to go back to the beginning and watch from there.

May 11, 2009 at 11:21 PM

Amazing cinematography in House’s hallucination scenes. I have to admit I wasn’t fully paying attention to the entire episode, but when that moment came, I couldn’t take my eyes away.

May 12, 2009 at 2:08 AM

Thought it was pretty clear that he didn’t detox and didn’t had sex with cuddy. Normally i really hate the “dream” sequences in shows in general, but i think that they really pull it off in these episode.

May 12, 2009 at 3:28 AM

By “pull a Dynasty on us”, I believe you meant Dallas and the dream season.

May 12, 2009 at 11:20 AM

Yes, I’ll go fix… thanks! Aren’t all those nighttime soaps the same? ;-)

May 12, 2009 at 7:46 AM

When Cut Throat Bitch showed up I was so happy! It was perfect!

Within 4 episodes of next season House will be back to normal, nothing ever really stays different in Houseland.

May 12, 2009 at 8:57 AM

I was too! I love Anne Dudek. I’m glad they brought her back. Especially in a way to mess with House

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