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Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – The rapture, the levee, the devil, the end


Season 4, Episodes 20-22

I have such mixed feelings about being caught up with Supernatural. Watching all four seasons in a concentrated amount of time had its benefits, but I’ll be anxious to watch season five as intended. Sure, the waiting will just about kill me from week to week, but I can just make up an excited song, as I did for Buffy and Veronica Mars when it was finally their air night. No, I’m not 12 (that’s Julia!); we all have our strange coping mechanisms.

“The Rapture”

Giving some back story on Castiel was a good move. I’ve been so back and forth with liking this guy, and knowing his host makes him a more sympathetic character. Kudos to Misha Collins — when he was playing Jimmy, I didn’t even think of Castiel. Then when Cas finally comes back, he’s a changed man, one who apparently got reamed up in heaven: “I serve heaven, I don’t serve man, and I certainly don’t serve you.”

This episode really brought to the forefront just how un-Sam Sam has become. The Pollyanna who wanted so much to believe everything would be just peachy and that TPTB were watching out for them, basically told Jimmy that there’s no way to save his family and be with them; he needs to leave them forever because the demons will never stop. Oh, and that knifing the demon and sucking her like a vampire thing. And I thought he crossed the line with the blood-filled flask….

I think I’ve made a connection. There was a big hullabaloo about only angels being able to kill angels back in “On the Head of a Pin.” Can Sam kill demons because he is basically becoming one?

“When the Levee Breaks”

“I’m just wondering… the apocalypse nigh and all, it this really the right time to be having this little domestic drama of ours?” – Bobby

I love Bobby. Have I said that four or five thousand times before? Locking Sam in the shelter was nothing short of inspired, and didn’t we all enjoy the hallucinations visiting him? As I was watching, I thought particularly Mary’s visit was interesting, and it made me wonder if Sam was doing the right thing for a second, since she supported him so wholeheartedly. Even Bobby wanting to let Sam out to fight made me wonder. I did think it was the angels messing with him (Castiel letting him out proved that), as the demons couldn’t get into the shelter to screw with Sam, but perhaps because they really did need him to defeat Lilith.

My theory that the angels were trying to split up Sam and Dean because they are each other’s weaknesses is still making sense, even with the awful things the Dean hallucination said to Sam. That monster word really gets to Sam, doesn’t it? Perhaps because he believes it himself?

I started to wonder if it wasn’t Lilith at all who was Lucifer’s first, but Ruby instead. That chick is demon through and through, I don’t doubt that now.

But wow, when Sam strangled Dean, it was clear all control had been lost. Sammy, dude, pull it together. That was a tough breakup to watch. I get that Sam wants Dean to believe in him, I really do, but no good will come of this.

Good stuff:

  • “Let me look it up in my demon detox manual — oh wait, no one ever wrote one.” – Bobby to Dean on how to help Sam
  • “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels’ bitch? What? You prefer sucker?” – Bobby to Dean

“Lucifer Rising”

“They’re supposed to make you miserable — that’s why they’re family!” – Bobby to Dean about Sam

I’ve got to say it up front — Sam, you poor, gullible fool (a human sacrifice? Really?). He’s been this way throughout the series, and I think we all thought he had changed and evolved and become more street smart, especially when he was on his own while Dean was dead by the trickster’s doing and then summering in Hell. But the more things change, the more they stay the same, and Sam is still just as naive as he ever was. It was so heartbreaking to watch Sam realize that Dean was right, he was the strong one and that Sam loses again. He’ll never be the strong brother.

I knew those angels were screwing with Sam and Dean, but silly me, I actually thought their motives were pure. Um, newsflash — a “planetary enema” is not a good thing. It was pretty clear that Dean standing behind humanity was the right thing all along; he knew right off that the angels were dicks and no better than the demons. Go Dean.

The writers were very careful to not blame God for any of this, though: “Where’s God in all of this?” asks Dean. “God has left the building,” answers Zachariah.

I’m glad that Castiel decided to support Dean after all. It will be interesting to see where this all takes him next season, because something tells me ol’ Zach won’t be too thrilled with his disobedience.

Thank you, finally, for knifing that bitch Ruby and putting me … um, I mean Sam, out of his misery. I couldn’t stand her ever since Katie Cassidy departed, but I think it was a good casting choice since we really were supposed to hate her after all.

Like most of the season finales, I wasn’t hugely blown away; they always become great for me when I see the first episode of the next season and see how things will play out. Supernatural is all about the progression of the characters, so the action isn’t as powerful without that.

I am officially no longer a Supernatural Virgin. Now, you may henceforth refer to me as a Supernatural Whore. I’m not sure if that’s moving up in the world or not, but let’s just call it a positive lateral move and leave it at that. Or maybe I’ll just start my own porn site.

I have so much more to say about Supernatural: roundup ideas, comparisons to make, favorites lists to share … so don’t you dare think I’m done writing about this spectacular show. Thank you to everyone — starting with Brett — who convinced me on the comments of my post, “Is Supernatural as good as Buffy?”, that I really should be watching Supernatural. You definitely weren’t wrong.

I’m looking forward to joining you all at the season five premiere in September. Holler in the comments if you’d be interested in a live chat!

Photo Credit: The CW

4 Responses to “Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – The rapture, the levee, the devil, the end”

July 27, 2009 at 3:50 AM

oh, you’re such a sweetie! Supernatural whore? Gosh, you’re definitely not alone! We definitely need your favorite list of episodes, characters, writers, directers, scenes, songs….
the livechat is an awesome idea!
Can’t wait for season 5 and welcome to hellatus which ends Sep 10th!!! Keep on rocking!

July 27, 2009 at 10:57 AM

Welcome to the Supernatural Brothel. The rest of us Whores welcome you. :D

I am SO excited for next season, I can barely wait.

July 27, 2009 at 4:33 PM

ditto!!! can’t wait for september either!!! :)

July 27, 2009 at 7:08 PM

As a not so long ago SPN virgin myself, I’ve absolutely loved reading your entries every week. Can’t wait to hear about your favorites so far and I hope you will continue to share your insights and opinions during the next season.

And, so far, season 5 spoilers sound amazing

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