CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Gossip Girl virgin – The mystery files of Charlie Trout


(Season 2, Episode 5)

You guys, you guys. I have a confession. This show is exhausting me again. All these girls are so mean and I’m tiring myself out from ducking and dodging their flying cat claws. If we could find a way to power machines with super-bitchery, Gossip Girl would save the environment. Someone get on that. I mean, even Little J has gone back to being a little troublemaker, which is kind of bumming me out.

Damn it, Jenny! Why is she such a little sass-mouth? And just as I was getting to like her. Again. Are there any consistently nice characters? I’m starting to wonder if this is like It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, where none of the characters have redeeming qualities. So far, I think Eric is the only one left that hasn’t completely driven me crazy. Actually, that’s a lie, because his hair is a constant source of second-hand embarrassment.

So, Blair’s jealousy of Serena’s shininess reaches a peak, putting her mother’s big show on the line. Of course, there’s a big fat twist in the end, and everyone extra-hates each other by the time the credits roll. Surprisingly, Blair and Serena’s half-breakup didn’t involve hairgrabbing or lady-wrestling. That shows some real restraint, writers.

The most amusing part of the episode was Dan’s desperate attempt to get some sweet info on Chuck Bass. Or… Charlie Trout. Yes. Brilliant. I pray there are more thinly veiled references like that in the near future. Keep those coming.

Photo Credit: The CW

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