CliqueClack TV

Diary of a House Virgin – Outstanding guest casting strikes again!

Ron Livingston

(Season Two, Episodes Four, Five, and Six)

I had a short conversation with Julia last night about the stereotypes that show up on House (immediately following the smack-down I received in our … er … “conversation” about politics in network television). Each of the doctor’s on House’s team fit a common archetype: a Florence Nightingale, a child of privilege, and the one who overcomes his socioeconomic background to make good. I was struck by the question — one I couldn’t come up with a decent answer to — that as the good doctor pokes and prods each of the stereotypes, does it stop being a trope, and become a commentary unto itself? What do you think?

“TB or Not TB”

Considering I’m the only person on the planet, other than Ron Livingston’s mother, that liked ABC’s Defying Gravity last week, I guess I can start this diary entry with my weekly complaint about a particular actor needing to get more work. I do so because, if everyone else’s reaction is any indication, Defying Gravity won’t be around long enough to matter. That being said, Livingston does a great job here.

I imagine that if they had eventually run out of people for House to have a battle of wills with, then the show wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has. I’ve got to say that in this case with House, a character I love, and one played by an actor I like, I lost interest. I’m worried about the show sticking to its formulas a bit too much, and enjoy it more when it breaks its own conventions.

“Daddy’s Boy”

Sphincter paralysis. Yeah, I said it. Its not every day you see the words on your television like that.

The interchange between House and Wilson about borrowing money, and lying to each other, was good. I can actually see, as insecure as we all know the overcompensating Dr. House is, that quantifying Wilson’s friendship is fairly understandable.

Is there a character on popular television today that doesn’t have some kind of daddy issues? Was it like this before Lost and I just never noticed it, or has it always been this way? (Though R. Lee Emery cast as House’s dad is worth the price of admission, even in just a few short scenes.)


Speaking of breaking convention: A story about an athlete that admits to his doctor that he was doping, is just plane refreshing. Considering he was a cyclist, the thinly veiled stab at Lance Armstrong was pretty obvious.

Forget Stacy; House’s interaction with her husband (superbly played by Currie Graham, whom I’ve been a fan of since his time on NYPD Blue) is a lot more fun. They’ve got the proverbial pissing contest down to a science.

The idea of House being forced to go to therapy, specifically group therapy, is very enticing. I hope its something that doesn’t just get dropped. It would be fun to see House forced to endure that. The whole therapy angle ended up with him breaking in and stealing Stacy’s records, which, even for him, was across the line.

Photo Credit: FOX

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