CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Everyone gets a do-over in this world


(Season 2, Episodes 6-7)

Does Gossip Girl ever have peaks and valleys when it comes to drama? For a season and a half, it has felt like just … stuff happening. It’s non-stop and ridiculous, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t feel like there are consequences to anyone’s actions. For a while, I thought the Georgina storyline was going to be a biggie, but that quickly faded into nothing. Even the whole murder-y business was quickly shrugged off with a “No worries, I talked to the dead guy’s parents and they’re chill” (not verbatim, but close). If it takes someone stabbing Serena in the face, forcing her to get major reconstructive surgery to shake things up on a larger scale, then Make. It. Happen.

“New Haven Can Wait,” “Chuck In Real Life”

So, a few things are happening right now. Serena and Blair hate each oth– oh, they’re back together again? All right, then. Never mind. Well, Little J and her dad are fighting, so there’s a bit of tension in the house — they’re friendly again? That was fast. Fine, then.

I guess the only thing that seems like it could cause any long-term trouble is the Archibald financial problem. I know, right? Poor people! Gross. I’m interested in seeing how this unfolds, especially now that Nate doesn’t have a sexy cougar to keep him afloat. It’s also kind of surprising that he and Vanessa have barely interacted in the past few episodes. You’d think they’d cross paths at some point. The web is incredibly tangled, and the boroughs are only so big, y’know.

Also, do these kids actually make it to college at some point, or are they perpetually in high school, talking about going to university until the end of time? I’m curious to see how things work if they’re split up into different parts of the country. And, I’ve got to say, if they all conveniently end up at the same school, I’m going to go nuts.

In other news, the appeal and sexual magic of Chuck Bass continues to elude me, though his smoking jacket had me digging around eBay for something similar and reasonably priced. Goddamn. I even had to consider whether or not I’m cool/goofy enough to pull off one of these.

Photo Credit: The CW

2 Responses to “Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Everyone gets a do-over in this world”

August 11, 2009 at 9:15 PM

Chuck Bass is sexy (and the only good thing with Blair in this awful teen soap) but Logan Echolls is so much everything (sexy, smartass, charismatic, badass..) why to want the copy when you can have the original ? haha…

August 11, 2009 at 9:15 PM

Chuck Bass is sexy (and the only good thing with Blair in this awful teen soap) but Logan Echolls is so much more everything (sexy, smartass, charismatic, badass..) why to want the copy when you can have the original ? haha…

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