CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Gerard Butler; Shakira

The Rock Obama
Tonight marked a first for SNL, as it ran the entire episode with only one sponsor. The dress rehearsal sketches were actually the best part of the episode! In fact, why the hell doesn’t SNL simply run the dress rehearsals for the live show? Seriously, isn’t the funniest stuff on the show these days when one of the cast members — or the guest — starts to crack up or makes a funny flub? It’s the best part!

Surprisingly, no SNL Digital Shorts tonight. Here’s some quick thoughts on each of the sketches of the night. Videos and thoughts embedded below.

Cold Open: The Rock Obama — Oh look, another president sketch. Actually, when the real joke of the sketch was revealed with the Rock cameo, it was pretty funny. When Biden entered, though, it started to fall apart and get a bit awkward.

Monologue: Gerard Butler — Given that he’s mostly known for the two things he made fun of during his monologue, Butler did a decent job with the material at hand. I thought for sure Sean Connery had hosted a few times before, making him the record holder of most guest spots from a Scotsman.

Commercial: Fuquay Satin’s Grand Hoochie Skank Rose Champagne — For pouring down the cracks of ladies’ asses. Use no other champagne for the very best of that crack-tacular taste. This was an OK commercial; no great shakes though.

Game Time with Randy and Greg — This turned out to be pretty hilarious when Butler grabbed Greg the alien’s tail. I definitely burst out laughing at Bill Hader’s screaming. They did hit a note with a lot of these sports talk shows, though, where you’ve got the serious dude sitting their with the sidekick that everyone’s really watching for.

Beauty and the Beast — This sketch was surprisingly not so bad. When I saw they were doing Beauty and the Beast, I groaned, but they were able to make something pretty funny from it. “How does she know we call it an ass castle?”

Musical Guest: Shakira — Was it just me or did that first outfit have a weird design to it that made her appear pregnant or fat? Oh, and the drummer looked like he was sitting behind a fancy Rock Band drum set. Anyway, her music’s not my thing but it sounded OK. She just seems think she looks a lot hotter than she is these days.

Weekend Update — What can I say? It’s consistently one of, if not the best part of the show. Loved how they mocked the balloon boy non-news. If you saw the whole sketch, you’ll know the best quote: “Well, thank you for coming.”

300: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell — Wow, the skits tonight actually don’t completely suck! This was another one that turned out pretty funny and didn’t run on too long. I think everyone’s made fun of how gay the movie 300 appears, so having Butler participate in its smack-down was especially great.

What Up With That? — This season seems to be all about throwing on the random guest star cameos, this time it was with James Franco … who said and did nothing. Best part of this sketch was all of the bizarre background guests, especially whatever Jason Sudeikis was supposed to be with his frantic dancing.

Trina the Assistant — This is right up there with Gilly. Sorry, I mean down there, because I mean it’s annoying as hell and just plain sucks. This needs to go in the big pile of fail right away. At least there’s no Trina theme song … yet.

Daveheart — A sorta funny idea that could have been better, but for the last sketch of the night, what do you expect? It’s moments like this, though, when I miss the old “Everything Scottish” sketch from days of yore. “If it’s nah Scottish, IT’S CRAP!”

Photo Credit: NBC

4 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Gerard Butler; Shakira”

October 18, 2009 at 2:37 AM

Can we also have a worst poll?

I vote for Trina (any time she shows up I TiVo right on through) and Gerard Butler’s opener. I hate it when the people who let Gerard Butler out of his cave also let him sing. Did we learn NOTHING from Phantom of the Opera?

October 18, 2009 at 10:37 AM

First time I’ve watched (most of the show) in awhile. Beauty and the Beast was the only truly funny bit IMHO. Among other needed changes to this show: they need to get a new “Black Guy”. I can’t watch Kenan Thompson and not think about “Good Burger”, and the What Up With That sketch was really pointless.

October 18, 2009 at 1:01 PM

I can’t find a listing for Sean Connery ever hosting SNL, so Butler does still hold the record.

October 21, 2009 at 10:01 AM

When Dwayne Johnson appeared, I thought it would be a great open, but it was curiously unfunny. It wasn’t written badly, but he had so much dialogue to slowly deliver in Hulk grammar that I was waiting far too long for the violence payoff. If they’d made it short and snappy they could have fit in a lot more defenestrations.

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