CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – 100 more dinner services please!

This week, the 'Hell's Kitchen' restaurant is opened for the 100th time. Is it getting old? Not to this donkey! I'm thinking about a tattoo.

- Season 8, Episode 7,8 - "9 Chefs Compete"

My Gordon. Have you and I really been together for 100 episodes? Yep. Although I didn’t start writing reviews for Hell’s Kitchen until season seven, I did cover Kitchen Nightmares before that, and then Masterchef too. And I’ve been watching HK since the beginning. So I think I’m now going to crown myself a Gordon Ramsay aficionado. And I did appreciate the 100 roses you sent, Gordon darling. The handwriting on the card looked suspiciously like my own, but that’s neither here nor there, is it? That would be like comparing fennel to oregano, which is just ridiculous! <Insert a private English sounding chuckle here> So, Happy Anniversary to you, luv!

Having said that, I’m still feeling your pain with this year’s crop of fools. The talk around town is that the HK producers are now simply going for ratings, instead of trying to honestly pick the best amateur chefs in the country. Fine by me! If Gordon Ramsay can take it, so can I.

Let’s break it down. Vinny, Russell, Gail, Jillian. They’re the least of the worst. Boris, Rob (who I wish would get his mushrooms together for gosh sake’s), Trev, Sabrina, and Nona. Can just blow to the winds.

Though no one got shish kabobbed in the first episode this week, Boris was finally cut lose in the special 100th episode in part two. Thank roasted red peppers! That guy was put up for elimination five times by the Blue Team. Only Sabrina has been on the carpet more, but at least sometimes she wins challenges.

I really believed Vinny would end up pan seared, for the bad mistake he made by serving Gordon’s family a precooked risotto. Right after Vinny says, “No one is as good of a cook as I am,” he makes too much risotto during dinner service, and then turns around and tries to serve the excess to the Ramsay family table. (By the by, did anyone notice that my Gordon’s wife’s name is Tana? He missed me by one letter a a simple continent! Cruel fate. And I could have four children if I felt like it. But I just don’t feel like it.)

I do have to mention that it’s fun seeing Vinny get Gordon’s wrath though. Who doesn’t like to see arrogance taken down a peg? i.e., “Shut your fat East Coast mouth. You little f@#k!” Hey. I never said this show was for everybody.

We left this week with Trevor’s fate “to be continued.” He chafes my pork chops, so I’m hoping he goes. But at the same time — Sabrina! She’s just … and then … but … oy!

Get my drift?

Photo Credit: FOX

13 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – 100 more dinner services please!”

October 14, 2010 at 1:26 PM

. . . . .

“My Gordon”

“… get his mushrooms together …”

“… no one got shish kabobbed …”

“Thank roasted red peppers!”

“I really believed Vinny would end up pan seared …”

”He chafes my pork chops …”

Good gordness … you’ve really lost it … haven’t you?

October 14, 2010 at 1:33 PM

Those are very technical kitchen terms, Michael. I don’t expect you to understand.

October 14, 2010 at 1:35 PM

I wish they had taken a moment to talk with the previous winners … would love to have known how they were doing

October 14, 2010 at 1:43 PM

Me too Gordon. I only remembered three of them. It would have been nice to have a memory-refresher.

October 14, 2010 at 1:38 PM

ROFL, I could have had four children if I felt like it, I just don’t feel like it. You Goof! :-)

But you’re so right, that danged Boris salted his food with his own sweat for Gods Sake! And Sabrina … I was hoping she would fall off the boat and they would sail on without her!

October 14, 2010 at 1:38 PM

BTW, I wish the producers would do a show to give us a clue where the past winners are now!

October 14, 2010 at 1:41 PM

Bronsont, I am overjoyed that we don’t have to watch Boris sweat anymore. Yuk.
And a past winners show is a great idea!

October 14, 2010 at 2:12 PM

Sweaty Boris is gone and whiney over confident Sabrina should be next!!!

Past winner show would be GREAT!

October 14, 2010 at 2:21 PM

MaLinda, the only nice thing I can say about Sabrina is … um. She has great hair.

October 14, 2010 at 2:51 PM

. . . . .

I’ve had my pork chops ‘chafed’.

Believe you me: It’s not technical.

October 14, 2010 at 6:25 PM

Maybe not in California, but it is here in the Midwest.

October 14, 2010 at 7:27 PM

. . . . .

The Midwest. Heart of the country.

Speaking of The Midwest: That’s where they developed ‘pork chop on a stick’.

I had a pork chop on a stick once.


And it’s still ‘sticking’ with me, if you understand.

Had it back in ’93, if memory serves …

October 14, 2010 at 11:31 PM

I’ve lived here forever and have not heard of this pork on a stick you speak of. Cotton candy? Check. Corn on the cob? Check. Elephant ears (sugar on fried dough)? Check. Perhaps someone was trying to punk you?

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