CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – Can the writers keep up this pace of awesomeness?

They are making up for taking last week off, because 'The Vampire Diaries' squished more action and reveals into this one episode than ... well, than there are in a whole season of 'Lost.'

- Season 2, Episode 6 - "Plan B"

“Mason Lockwood? Werewolf thing aside, the guy’s a surfer!” – Damon, when he finds out Katherine is involved with Mason

How can The Vampire Diaries make me squee, cringe, gasp, surprise me and break my heart twice over all in the constraints of 44 minutes? Because somebody is doing something right.

I think my favorite part of tonight’s episode was Caroline and her mom. The fact that they were not only able to get close in spite of Caroline being a vampire — the thing that her mother hates most in this world — but that her mother also acknowledged what a strong, confident girl Caroline had become. I am so glad Caroline got to have this moment with her mom … before she had to compel her to forget it ever happened. It was a beautifully acted segment by both Candice Accola and Marguerite MacIntyre.

And did I squee, or did I squee? I never suspected that Jenna was spying for Katherine, or that she’d try to commit hari-kari based on one little phone conversation. As soon as I saw the back of his head in the room with Katherine, I knew it was Matt, but I squeed anyway. Seriously, how do they come up with this stuff? Every once in a while, a niggling little worry will enter my mind: What if the writers tap themselves out? They can’t possibly keep up this pace, can they? And then I shove it back down into the darkest corners and enjoy the ride.

I only have one disappointment in the episode, and that’s Mason’s stupidity. He had always come off confident, in-the-know, on top of things, what have you. His untimely death was based on complete stupidity. I suppose the saving grace that the writers tossed our way is that the moonstone was hidden is a well of vervain, so it was clear he didn’t trust Katherine. It was obvious at the beginning of the episode that it would be his last, and one of the great things about The Vampire Diaries is that they do kill people off regularly, but it was a surprise that Katherine wasn’t the culprit. I don’t care how reformed Damon seems at time, the guy is still one sick puppy.

This and that:

  • Loved the editing in the opening scene, juxtaposing Elena / Stefan and Katherine / Mason. I particularly enjoyed the pink bra versus the black bra … reminded me of the old westerns, with the good guy in the white hat and that bad guy in the black hat.
  • Nina Dobrev is getting some serious on-screen action, playing two roles. Nice get, Nina!
  • It’s nice to see Bonnie coming around a bit … she seems a little less black and white about the vampire issue, which is … sane.
  • I was a little confused at why Jeremy disregarded all of the awesome male bonding he and Tyler did and ran to Damon to rat him out … am I forgetting a motive Jeremy has that makes sense here?
  • You wanted to know the second moment that broke my heart? When Elena dumped Stefan, of course. Sometimes a man blubbers just enough, and Paul Wesley nailed it.
  • So maybe it was three times, because when Damon apologized to Elena for revving up Katherine and Elena replied, “Katherine won,” I ached inside, just a little.

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

6 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – Can the writers keep up this pace of awesomeness?”

October 21, 2010 at 10:02 PM

At the beginning of the season, I was on the fence about which show I liked better, Vampire Diaries or True Blood. After a less-than-stellar ending to the latter, it is hands down Vampire Diaries for me. In most shows, they’d spend an episode finding the location out, an episode getting the stone, and an episode dealing with Kat’s revenge. This show consistently throws three or four episodes worth of action/plot development, and it rarely seems rushed. Am I the only one who’s checked the clock and been surprised that there’s still 30 minutes of amazing left?

I see your point about Jeremy, but I’m kinda liking his interaction with Damon. It’s no Alaric/Damon, but what is?

October 21, 2010 at 10:08 PM

This was an awesome episode. I love it when the writers don’t drag out a storyline in case they run out of ideas. Although VD could turn into Desperate Housewives/Heroes post-season 1, so far they haven’t. Also, man, the show keeps killing off potentially awesome characters. Last year, they killed off Lexi, this time Mason. Although Gina Torres’ Bree had ‘Damon will kill me’ written over her (like the other characters), I liked seeing a human who had a friend connection to Damon pre-Elena.

October 21, 2010 at 11:38 PM

This was my favorite episode of the season. Definitely far above par. Awesome vamp goodness to be had.

I was so touched at Caroline’s time with her mom. People just miss how precious everything is – if her mom knew the best moments with her daughter would happen after she was dead, she would never have believed it. Great scenes.

I don’t want Mason to be dead. Dude was hawt. I couldn’t stand him at first, but knowing he was being played by Katherine made him so much more appealing. Can’t he come back? Please?

It’s honestly the first time all season I’ve wanted to watch twice, and cannot wait until next week (it is a new episode???).

October 22, 2010 at 9:18 PM

Agree with everything you said. I’d add that I like the “new” Jeremy. In season 1, he was needy and whiny, but this season he has grown a lot. This week, he showed is strength and maturity through the way he supported his sister.

@Stan I’m with you about TB and TVD. I enjoy this show so much more than TB’s last 2 seasons which have been disappointing. TVD gets better and better.

October 22, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Carla, I definitely agree with you about the Jeremy change. I found it interesting that Elena cried in Jeremy’s arms while he looked stoically off plotting vengeance, when it was absolutely the opposite last year.

October 25, 2010 at 10:52 AM

They really need to give Mason a rebirth! that character added a lot to the show! Not only was he hot but I think there was a lot more to exploit! I just wish they hadn’t killed him or that his character will come back from the dead! Didn’t Damon try to raise Katherine back from the dead?

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