CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Wake up. I am not here to wipe your little butt!

My Gordon Ramsay and 'Hell's Kitchen' are back, after almost a month without a new show. Dang baseball anyway! Past-time, schmas-time!

- Season 8, Episode 9, 10 - "8 Chefs Compete; 7 Chefs Compete"

In protest of Hell’s Kitchen taking that mid season hiatus due to baseball, I’d just like you to know that I ate nothing but undercooked risotto. I also made sure to say f@#k in every other sentence, and to kick at least one trash can a day. But now that it’s back … well let’s just swan dive right into the pool of bubbling olive oil, shall we?

My poor Gordon continues to have to browbeat and baby-sit this group of hapless contestants, as he continues his search for a head chef for his new restaurant in L.A. And as a direct quote in my headline, I guess he’s tired of the baby-sitting part; or at least the “butt wiping” portion. I truly don’t blame him! These jokers simply have to get it together.

We left Trev’s fate hanging in the balance last time, and as suspected, Gordon didn’t boot him, but moved him back to the men’s blue team. This once again created the “battle of the sexes.” I’m glad this is done next week, as the women have won most of the challenges, which make them rather boring. (The challenges I mean.) Trev has gotten mega chances to prove himself, and while he was the last man standing at one of the dinner services, he can’t live up to his own opinion of himself. Plus! He hates everybody! I mean, really. Is there one person you haven’t heard him bitch about? What a mamby-pamby.

So! The challenges this week had some stand outs. I was surprised (and I think Gordon was too) at how well Nona did in the blindfold challenge. She really rebounded after picking a gas station chicken sandwich as a high class room service menu item, guessing three out of four foods correctly and winning the challenge for her team.

The men finally won a challenge in part two, thanks to Jillian burning her hand in the last seconds and dropping salmon on the floor. They wouldn’t have otherwise. And seriously, how much did that exercise prove how terribly these contestants communicate?

Rob and Vinny got their jackets taken away this week, which was really no surprise. Rob messed up in dinner service several times, and guessed no ingredients correctly in the blindfold challenge. And Vinny. Although he appeared to be an early favorite, after he messed up Gordon’s own family table a few weeks ago, and then tonight couldn’t execute the lamb dish for another VIP, it’s no shocker.

We’re down to the last six now, and things in the kitchen are getting steamier than ever. I’m liking Jillian (even if she is a bit immature) and I’m predicting Gail should pull something fantastic right out of her … um, butt if she wants to stay in. She did screw up lobster seven times this week. Yeesh. What a waste of good seafood.

We’ll also see Russell continue his evil ways, methinks. How come people named Russell on reality shows are most often the ones who will stick the knife in your back? Or is it all people named Russell? Is there some sort of conspiracy I’m not aware of? Hmmmm.

And a side note to my Gordon; I’ve missed you luv! Don’t you ever take such a long vacation (without me) again!

Photo Credit: Patrick Wymore/FOX

3 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Wake up. I am not here to wipe your little butt!”

November 11, 2010 at 11:04 AM

. . . . .

I really don’t know what to think about these clowns anymore.

Don’t like Nona. Can’t stand Gail. If Trev pulls his head out of his ass, he can do it. There’s something underlying and devious about Russell (we all know that), but he doesn’t deserve to win in my opinion.

It’s like this season is the World Series: Can’t root for the Giants because they’re the Giants and I abhor the American League.

What to do? What to do?

November 11, 2010 at 1:12 PM

How many legs does a Lobster Have I’ve missed Gordon. It was hilarious when Gail took her 7th lobster to the pass and Gordon went ballistic on her! She is my nominee for next weeks boot award!

Glad you’re back, I think I missed your posts more than Gordon :)

November 11, 2010 at 11:40 PM

Aw. You are so sweet! Thanks!

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