CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – The final four!

We're almost to the dessert course on 'Hell's Kitchen', and if you've a brain in your head (and I know you do) you can pick the final two. See if we agree.

- Season 8, Episode 13 - "4 Chefs Compete"

Well. Here’s what we started with this season. And now only Nona, Trev, Russell and Jillian are left simmering on Hell’s Kitchen. As I’ve mentioned, it’s been a long road to hoe this season for my Gordon Ramsay. In fact, if I were him, I’d just refuse to do it next year if the producers continue to pick such jarhead contestants to jolt the ratings.

Hmm. Um. No, I wouldn’t. Do you know how many lobsters and Lexuses (Lexusi?) Gordon can buy with all the cash he’s currently raking in? A lot, my friends. Let’s just say a lot! Hope he gets a chance to spend some if it before these idiots give him a coronary. I wonder what Gordon’s cholesterol level is? I had a routine blood test last week and mine is 227. 227! I don’t even eat red meat! Where’s the justice? Maybe I should take a cue from Gordon and just start screaming me arse off at people who annoy me (you know who you are) for cathartic and health purposes. It’s a thought.

And here’s some thoughts on each remaining contestant for you, and why I think they have a snowball’s chance in Hell’s Kitchen of winning or not….

Nona: although I found her reunion with her baby son to be quite heartwarming, I think this chickie has been around long enough and will be one of the two finalists eliminated next week. (Since Gordon sent no one home tonight.) She’s got a great palette, as she proved with tonight’s “taste it and make it” challenge. But something about her does not scream head chef to me. Maybe it’s the raging tats on her arms or the endless giggling. No! I’ve got it! It’s because she doesn’t stand out in leadership or cooking performance. Yeah. That last one.

Russell: Personally, I find Russell mean and conniving. He’s proven he’s not a team player, and in fact I would hate to have him as a boss, as he’d be one of “those” kind of bosses. The kind who treat you like dirt, bitch at you for being sick or taking your allotted vacation time, and just generally make you drink Mylanta on your homeward commute. That being said, he’ll probably win.

Trev: I honestly can’t believe I’m still writing about this joker. No wonder he had only one sister and one friend reunite with him. A girl would have to be a masochist to hang with him and his ego and his blaming and his endless whining. That’s just too much for anyone to handle. (Unless you have several hundred thousand extra dollars to spend on therapy.) So he’s gone next week too.

Jillian: Oh Jillian. I like her. I really do. My Gordon was right to single her out for a pep talk this week, and encourage her to feel like she’s worthy. Cause she is. I just don’t know if chef Ramsay will be able to get past her immature attitude and just the overall way she presents herself. (Kind of more “diner” than “bistro” if you get my drift.) But she would be a Cinderella story, and I know my Gordon loves a happy ending. (No, not that kind! Holy Moley. You shock me.)

We shall see next week. I can’t wait. Can you? And by the way … what’s your cholesterol level?

Photo Credit: Fox

10 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – The final four!”

December 2, 2010 at 2:11 PM

I’m with ya, Trev should be thrown in a giant food processor and reduced to Spam, na, he wouldn’t even make decent Spam!

Jillian, despite her painted on eyebrows that give me the willies, is the most likeable one and I’m pulling for her. But my money is on Russell. Croupier let the dice roll!

December 2, 2010 at 4:18 PM

“Food processing” someone would be a great way to kick people off the show. The heck with just taking their jacket!

December 2, 2010 at 3:20 PM

. . . . .

I just don’t know anymore who to root for …

December 2, 2010 at 3:23 PM

Trev shoulda gone home long ago, Nona reminds me of a truck stop cook, Jullian I like sorta but them eye brows WOW! Russell I figure will win if not Jillian and I agree I wouldnt want him to be my boss.

I hope next season PANS out better than this season or poor Ramsey is gonna have a heart attack getting so upset at them all the time. Sometimes I wonder if this crew could mess up a bag of microwaved pop corn. LOL

December 3, 2010 at 12:05 AM

Definitely the weakest crop of contestants so far on this or any cooking competition I’ve seen. Russell has the talent, but his leadership skills and personality leave a lot to be desired. Jillian is no kind of leader, either, and lacks confidence at crucial times. And what kind of person chooses to look and sound like she does? Okay, maybe that’s too mean. The other two aren’t really worth mentioning. Russell probably wins, but only for lack of choice… he wouldn’t have beaten either of the final two in any previous season. Bring back Holly and Blue Jay, I say… give me somebody to root for.

December 8, 2010 at 11:34 PM

Just saw tonight’s Episode and Trev is GONE WOOOOH!!! about time, but sadly Jillian is Gone :( I REALLY wanted her to win. She is SO much better than Nona, and Jillian proved she is fit to be a Leader and an Amazing Chef, But Gordon just didn’t see that, and I believe he made a terrible decision sending Jillian home. But Russel (Biggest Bitch to ever be in hell’s kitchen) and Nona are the Final two. And In my opinion It should be Russel vs. Jillian and Jillian should kick his ass. But this season has been good and I’ve enjoyed all the chefs, Just hope next season is MUCH better than this season.

December 8, 2010 at 11:41 PM

. . . . .

Thanks for the spoiler, Andrew …

December 9, 2010 at 12:10 AM

Ooops. We gotta remember our East Coast buddies.

December 9, 2010 at 8:37 PM

And I forgot to say West instead of East!

December 9, 2010 at 6:52 PM

Oh crap My bad man, forgot about time difference

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