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The Vampire Diaries – What’s Elijah’s fake out going to be?

Elijah says he doesn't want to break the curse; he only wants to kill Klaus -- then why does he want the moonstone? I feel a fake out coming on, to join the rest of them from this episode.

- Season 2, Episode 11 - "By the Light of the Moon"

Katherine was legitimately afraid of Elijah, and from what we’ve seen of him in previous episodes, he certainly seems someone I’d want to steer clear of. So why would we think he can be trusted? I can clearly see that it seems way too easy, and I think Katherine is on to him too — but Elena and Stefan are taking him at his word. Yeah, that’s going to come back and bite them … even harder than a werewolf.

A nice fake out, by the way, making us think Tyler may have gotten out and did the biting. I was glad to see Tyler safe and sound, and I adored everything about Tyler and Caroline together in this episode. Michael Travino‘s acting is blowing me away — the raw emotion emanating from him during and after his transformation was heartbreaking. Clearly, he pumped some iron before the shooting of those scenes, but I’m not one to hold that against him.

Back to that werewolf bite … it’s rough when a bitter bitch just happens to have supernatural powers. Yeah, nice to meet you too, Julie. Rose is just about as expendable as any other character on The Vampire Diaries (which I love) so I do expect her to die eventually, but I love that it’s going to be long and drawn out.This time, the fake out was on Rose and Damon, when they thought the bite had healed.

Wasn’t this episode just full of fake outs? The previews last week had me freaking out that Stefan was going to have some sort of episode down in the tomb and lose his mind and get it on with Katherine. Another fake out … she was just playing with his mind, the ole devil.

How about the fake out game Damon and Alaric played on Julie? She didn’t fall for it one bit … or did she, and she only figured it out when she smelled the wolfsbane in the drink?

Really? Yes, there is another fake out. Luka faked the moonstone spell and Bonnie fell for it … or so Luka currently thinks. It would be nice to know that Bonnie has some usefulness and maybe she’s the one doing the faking out. She’s got to get the upper hand at some point.

Which brings me back to Elijah, who’s likely planning the biggest fake out of them all. Why would he want the moonstone if he has no intentions of breaking the curse?

It’s going to be hard to wait until the end of January to see how all of this plays out, but at least we can go on hiatus knowing that Stefan and Elena have reunited. Awwwww. Great episode!

Photo Credit: Annette Brown/The CW

4 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – What’s Elijah’s fake out going to be?”

December 10, 2010 at 3:44 AM

I hope Rose doesn’t die. I was starting to like her.

I’m also glad that Stefan and Elena are back together and I’m surprised how much I’m enjoying this Tyler/Caroline thing going on.

I actually am starting to feel bad for Katherine, believe it or not. :O

Luca is annoying.

December 10, 2010 at 11:07 AM

Okay, here’s what I think…

We knew Elijah wanted the moonstone, he was the one who made Slater ask Rose for it when killed him. Plus he told Elena that he wants to kill Klaus, I’m thinking he may want to make the cures unbreakable just to piss him off. Insult to injury kinda thing. This would probably require the moonstone, but might also require Elena to die to be turned or something like that. After all Elijah promised to keep Elena’s friends and family safe… not her.

December 10, 2010 at 11:15 AM

PS. – I think Stefan totally screwed himself with that whole leaving Catherine behind business. Catherine actually did something helpful in telling him about how Isobel had found her, actually trying to prove herself possibly for the first time in her life, and what does he do? Screws her over! Now I’m not saying it wasn’t justified after everything she has done, but you KNOW that is going to come back and bit him is the ass!

December 11, 2010 at 9:30 AM

Die already Rose – you are a little annoying. If we want to see Damon kissing someone (which we do) lets have him have some tortured dreams of him and Elena (come on – you know you all want to see that).

Fake out # 12 – Jer and Bonnie with the moonstone in the pocketbook with Elena. Slightly lame but I like a wicked Jeremy.

Loved Caroline and Tyler. Well done Michael T.

Catherine gets everything she deserves. Come on people, let’s not go soft.

I like Luca 10xs more than I like Bonnie. Although liking her more with her Luca crush and her big lusty looks.

More naked Alaric please.

Elijah business was way too easy…more is coming there fore sure.

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