CliqueClack TV

Rules of Engagement – Happy Jeff Day to us all

I’ve always thought it preferable for Jen and Adam not to get married, but I wonder if after all this time they might be stuck in a rut. Could their stories benefit from them becoming newlyweds?

- Season 5, Episode 16 - "Jeff Day"

Jeff Day, huh? I wasn’t really surprised to discover that Jeff celebrates such a day; I’m actually more surprised that we haven’t heard about it before, and that he doesn’t celebrate it once a week. Jeff seems like the kind of guy who’d feel the need to take a regular day for himself.

But then I’m sure that most Jeff Days would be uneventful; it’s not every day that you can make your cleaning lady think you’d like to pay her to take her top off. I loved the pantomiming Jeff used to try and overcome the language barrier, and the inevitable result was perfect. Yoli (Soledad St. Hilaire) yelling at Jeff in Spanish that “No means no” as she left for the day was a great way to bookend the story.

I’m glad that Audrey’s finally found work, and I think there could be enjoyment in scenes at her office. But while I know that it’s a comedic take on these young guys starting a company, there is no universe in which Barry (Mark Saul) and Tug (Tommy Snider) would have had the perseverance to start a company, let alone the ability to convince investors to give them money.

For some reason Rules of Engagement decided to take the loosey-goosey atmosphere stereotypical in those types of environments and expand it, making the founders idiots who spend their time looking for a rare box of cereal. I could see them wanting something like that, but they would have tasked that out because they’d have been busy with, you know, building their business. I hope we see more of them, but I really hope that Audrey quickly brings some discipline to her place of business.

I was trying to remember something when Jen and Adam decided to get married in the summer at some chapel by the lake — did Adam end up sending out those save the date cards, or did that never get taken care of? Because usually couples send those out only once they have a hall booked for a specific date; I couldn’t remember if they had publicized that in the end.

Anyway, Adam’s eye tick wasn’t great, but what I loved about the story was that it led Jen to knock on Jeff and Audrey’s door to tell Audrey the good news about the wedding. Only Audrey was at work and Jeff was home celebrating Jeff Day. The ensuing awkward — and rude — encounter was great.

Timmy and Russell continue to annoy me. However, Timmy doing Russell on the phone was great. Not the substance of what he was saying — is Russell ever that overt? — so much as that he was doing the voice and wreaking havoc in Russell’s life. That was great.

And the best part was Russell turning the tables on Timmy and doing who knows what kind of crazy, mixed up, all over the place accent on the phone with Timmy’s dental hygienist. It’s so funny because I believe that that’s what Russell really hears when Timmy speaks. Crazy.

Rules of Engagement – Acapelicans say what? [51bZuNReLHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Rules of Engagement – Acapelicans say what? [5177UJDKvAL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Rules of Engagement – Acapelicans say what? [51ZUnS94ALL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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