CliqueClack TV

Moonlight: The pilot that never was (Part 4)

Did you ever think the September 2007 pilot was hideously awful? Did you ever wonder what happened to the pilot before CBS brought on Jason Dohring and Sophia Myles? Look no further! Clack on and tell me what you think!

(Check out parts one, two, and three)

At this point almost everyone knows about Moonlight, knows the novel that spawned it, knows about the re-casting of Beth, Josef, and Lt. Davis for the September 2007 pilot, and knows the show continued to re-cast its supporting vampire characters in 2008. But, have you seen the original pilot before the pilot? Last week, while doing clean-up for my article, I came across the original pilot pre-Jason Dohring, pre-Sophia Myles and pre-everyone save Alex O’Loughlin. Interestingly, this pilot seemed closer to the novel I reviewed yesterday and interviewed Munson about last week, than the Moonlight that arrived on our doorstep in September 2007.

I always sensed an empty space in the initial episodes of Moonlight and now I know why. The things I questioned surrounding the too-young cast, Mick’s modern apartment (despite his 1950s upbringing), Beth’s hyper-modern job, and blood thirsty Coraline inexplicably kidnapping a child for love all made sense in the unaired episode. Mick’s fortress of solitude and his contempo-casual clothing all seemed too modern for a guy born in the twenties and whose youth thrived in the fifties. Even Beth’s detective and Josef felt too young.

What else is different? The Mick-Beth connection came across as WAY less creepy and stalkery while the main crime appeared grittier and more realistic. Also, O’Loughlin’s accent seemed better. I remember chiding his wooden-ness throughout Fall 2007, but after hearing his relaxed, natural-sounding American accent in the pre-pilot pilot, I no longer fault him. His character changed from a charming, old school 1950s vampire to someone more innocent yet more angsty and partially emotion-less. Although 2007 brought us a stylized Los Angeles darkness, the unaired pilot appeared more unique with its sepia tones and hints of red amidst a classic New York skyline.

Honestly, the original pilot reflected a show I would’ve watched without skepticism. Sure, it featured a few laughable moments with the vampire make up and monstrous reflections; all the same it represented something different, perhaps closer to True Blood in its covert violence, yet still unique. So, check it out and tell me what you think.

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks again, all, for walking down memory lane with me. This marks the final post in the Moonlight/Angel of Vengeance series. If you’re interested in more 2007 goodness, check out D.W.’s virgin Moonlight diaries. The thing I enjoy most about CliqueClack is my ability to choose who I want to interview and what I want to review. While I, and everyone else on the internet, secretly believes that had Moonlight survived an additional season, we would see it experience the same fanaticism of V.D. or T.B (or other vampire shows with the initials of hideous diseases); then again, we wouldn’t have Hawaii 5-0 and Munson might not have found time to publish the novel. All the same, I wonder what might have happened if this far more unique pilot aired in place of what we initially saw.

Photo Credit: CBS

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5 Responses to “Moonlight: The pilot that never was (Part 4)”

April 7, 2011 at 1:01 AM

Wow, thank you for this article and also for the links to the original pilot. I hadn’t seen it before and only caught the series for the first time last year as I was overseas when it originally aired. Fell in love with it and bought the series on DVD. Really enjoyed the un-aired pilot though. I think I would have liked the NY setting even more than the L.A. setting. It came across as darker and grittier, definitely more noir-ish

Happy as I am to have Alex O’Loughlin back on my TV on H5-0, I still would have really enjoyed a longer Moonlight run.

Also, I enjoyed your interview with Munson and I will definitely be buying the book.

April 7, 2011 at 1:19 AM

No problem. Welcome to the cult! It’s good to see you aren’t given to indifference about Moonlight :) I will admit the book is rough in the first half, but I enjoyed the second part and I definitely agree with you about the original NY location. Nice hearing from you –

April 7, 2011 at 7:17 AM

je ne suis pas du tout d’accord
moi je préfere la version moderne qu’ on a vu avec sophia myles jason dohring etc et si un film devait se faire il ne faudrait surtout pas qu’on touche aux acteurs originaux car je pense que le nombre de fans qui ont aimé moonlight et manifesté pour qu’on ne l’annule pas seraient hyper déçus de tant d’indélicatesse !!!
moonlight c’est
mick st john:alex o’loughlin
beth turner:sophia myles
joseph costan:jason dohringm
coraline:shanyn sossamon
mais surtout le couple mickbeth ne pas les changer, sinon ça ne voudrait plus rien dire nous n’avons pas oublié la chimie qu’ily avait entre eux et combien ils formaient un couple merveilleux
on aimerait les retrouver ainsi!!!!!

April 7, 2011 at 8:00 AM

Michaela you definitely tested my basic French reading skills. Luckily, there is google translate! Although I still like the original pilot better than the aired 2007 pilot, Trevor spoke in other interviews about wanting Alex, Sophia, etc. to act in the film version (if it ever occurred).

Although I liked how Mick did not come across as an obsessive stalker in the original pilot, I admit he and Sophia Myles (aka MickBeth) had a lot of chemistry in the actual TV show :)

April 7, 2011 at 12:44 PM

merçi pour la réponse et oui c’est génial pour la traduction
car je ne parle que le français !!
j’ai bien aimé votre page!!

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