CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – Who can be trusted?

It's back and "Know Thy Enemy" gives us one wild ride, reminding this reviewer why 'The Vampire Diaries' still gets my heart a-beating. Only after this episode, I don't ... know thy enemy, that is.

- Season 2, Episode 17 - "Know Thy Enemy"

“We’re going to need a cover story. Epileptic fit, alcohol binge, banana peel … whatever works.” – Damon, on Jon getting bit by a vampire at the Lockwood Mansion

Why don’t I know my beloved Vampire Diaries by now? Just when I think the long-awaited return episode is going to be something akin to Human Target‘s entire season two, they slip back into their old routine. You know the one: You think you know what’s going to happen, then they throw you for a loop. You get back on your feet again, following along nicely, and then you’re tripped up several thousand more times during the episode, your jaw left on the floor, longing for words that just won’t come. Imagine feeling that way, and then having to write a post about it. …

Anyone else feel completely dicked around when it comes to Isobel? I mean that only in the best way. Last we saw her, we thought maybe she had a little bit of good left in her, that she really did love Alaric and wanted what was best for him. And then BOOM! What a cold bitch, confessing her former love to Alaric, then setting him up for possession, right? Compulsion is as good excuse as any, and when she burst into flames, we were right back where we started … she wasn’t so bad after all. It was fun watching her screw over Katherine, even though it was beyond her doing. But why was she compelled to keep the doppelganger safe? I can’t quite wrap my head around that one — any guesses?

I really can’t figure out Klaus’s game. Reuniting with Katherine in Alaric’s body. Why? And why does Klaus want Katherine in the first place? I though she was useless to him. And what benefit is there for him to come back in Alaric’s body? Besides the infinite shock value, that is.

The biggest OMG was Matt doing the sheriff’s dirty work. It wasn’t surprising for him to go to Liz and demand Vicki’s file, and it was definitely in character for him to ask Caroline to make him forget. Poor guy’s been through a lot, and I think he meant it when he said he was alone. I did not, however, suspect that Liz and Matt set Caroline up, and that Matt faked his compulsion. Poor Caroline. And honestly, with all that’s going on, I can already feel the immense viewer stress when the sheriff gets in the middle of things and screws it all up, just as Bonnie’s about to kill Klaus or something.

And Bonnie. That’s one righteous witch, dude. Secret weapon indeed. Now, when’s Tyler coming back to screw everything up?

This and that:

  • I already knew this was going to happen from Carla’s interview with Julie Plec, but it was still so satisfying to see Alaric deck John. It was such a long time coming.
  • Jeremy’s floppy hair isn’t quite floppy enough anymore. He looks a little too young for Bonnie.
  • How are they going to explain this one to Jenna? I mean really.
  • The tricks the witch spirits were playing on Damon were very entertaining.
  • Can Elena really trust John this time? Do we want her to have reason to? I guess at this point, he’s pretty lame as far as the bad guys go on this show, but I still want to hate him.



Photo Credit: Annette Brown/The CW

2 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – Who can be trusted?”

April 8, 2011 at 6:50 AM

Was Mia Kirshner supposed to be playing Isobel like a robot, or is the actress always that wooden? (I don’t think I’ve seen her anything before.) The whole episode I kept thinking “They must have chosen her simply because she has long hair and looks an itty bitty bit like Nina Dobrev.

I think what the brothers said about Elena is the reason Klaus feels secure enough to let her go. He knows she won’t run. She has the brothers for protection. Basically, he knows exactly where she is and can get her any time. That’s my guess, anyway.

Caroline’s storyline is one of my least favorite, but this twist definitely increased my interest. I think I don’t care for her particular plot because it seems so unconnected to everything else. Bonnie’s journey as a witch is at least related to the attempt to get rid of Klaus. (Anyone else suspect she’s going to try to kill off all vampires?)

I don’t mind having subplots, but lately her interactions with everyone else are minimal, except for the brothers telling her to take care of Matt.

April 8, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Agreed with Jen. Mia plays Isobel very stale, although I think that was part of the intent because she left the human (emotional) side behind when she became a vampire.

I loved this episode! The hiatus made it even that more spectacular. I have been a die hard fan of Buffy since the first episode aired and The Vampire Diaries is quickly escalating in it’s rankings for me. I haven’t read the books so I am unaware of how faithful they are staying to the original story, but as you said Debbie every episode brings you through so many stages of emotion. I also love a badass witch and if Bonnie goes the route of Willow then TVD will enter the pantheon of science fiction for me.

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