CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Girls are stupid

This week in 'Hell's Kitchen,' it was all about the women's team. And they are a freaking mess.

- Season 9, Episode 3 - "15 Chefs Compete"


This is really the person who my Gordon Ramsay should have sent home on Hell’s Kitchen this week. Poor thing is as dumb as a box of hair. Her name’s Carrie, and her whole team hates her, courtesy of fellow chef Elise (with the piercing voice) who has coached all the red team girls  into focusing on Carrie’s every move.

The gals on the red team really need to get it through their spatulas that Elise is an instigator. She stirs the pot. She takes away from the real reason all of them are there, just finger-pointing away at Carrie and going on and on and on and … oh sorry. See? Even I got caught up!

So basically, the red team constantly loses because of all the chaos and infighting. They’re giving chicks a bad name and reinforcing some stereotypes that I despise. Like all we women do is gossip. By the way. I heard a great story today about Michael Noble at Comic-Con when … what? Oh my inner conscience voice just censored me. Perhaps the ladies on HK can learn from me, hint hint! Realize why you’re there, people!  Get in the game!

There’s a great prize and this fabulous opportunity right in front of you — carpe diem already!

And just who was Amanda? I swear I’ve been paying attention. She must have been flying so low that she was walking on the ground. Yes, she messes up the fish station, but there is so much other crap going on between Elise and Carrie melting down during dinner service that I just didn’t get it. Unless … dare I say the word “ratings?” Sigh.

All in all, this episode just bugged me. What did you think?


Photo Credit: Fox

2 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Girls are stupid”

July 26, 2011 at 3:00 PM

This group may just do it! Your Gordon laying on the floor choking on his tongue as he tries to throw the whole lot out of the kitchen!

It’s war, him against them, take no prisoners, no quarter given, let the knives fly :-)

August 3, 2011 at 11:47 PM

…Then why am I a woman with a master’s degree? You wouldn’t survive a day in my graduate program, you dick with no brain…

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