CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – Okay … it’s a setup!

Gordon Ramsay is now playing with me like a puppet on a string. And I'm not happy about it. In fact, I'm rather angry with him for a couple of reasons. Come along to 'Hell's Kitchen' class! It's Fall, and school is back in session ...

- Season 9, Episode 14 - "5 Chefs Compete ... Again"

I’ve had a tough time with my Gordon Ramsay lately. First off, let me tell you this story: On Thursday of last week? I took part in my third FOX teleconference with Gordon, hoping against hope that this would be the call he’d have time for me and CliqueClack to answer my (our) question. I had everything ready. I was comfy. I had my cigarettes and Coca Cola within reach. (Yes, I smoke. Don’t start.) I had my opening comment and question written out verbatim, with two backups in case someone before me should swipe mine.

Well! If you have a question on these conferences, they ask that you press “star one.”  So there I sat, pressing profusely. Then, the moderator broke into my line and said, “Ms. Shrodes? Do you have a question for Chef Ramsay?” My heart revved up a thousand beats. “Absolutely,” I assured him. “Well, we can see that. You can stop pressing star one now, and please hold.”

Finally! I was going to get to talk with him! Ha! As fate would have it, since he was nine minutes late for the teleconference? He ran out of time. I know. Try not to be sad for me. C’est la guerre, right?

So, that’s my first problem with Gordon since my last review of Hell’s Kitchen.

My next problem continues to involve Elise Wims, pictured so prominently above. Deep breath, Tara. Alright, here’s the skinny. She’s been on the carpet what, like seven times now? And yet she still skates through each and every time? She messed up at least four hundred bucks worth of salmon this week by  not listening to a simple phrase from Gordon himself … “cook it with the skin on.” She hasn’t won a challenge in awhile. And! All of this is aside from her radically hateful personality. To quote my sixth grade boyfriend, “She lies like a rug!” She did it last week. She lied this week, about Jennifer not giving her a verbal time when they were working together.  She uses Will and Paul (geez are they clueless) to cover for her in a myriad of different ways. What’s wrong with them? In one interview they’ll say they’re on to her, and in the next tell my Gordon that Jennifer should go home, as Elise can cook better.

Were Will and Paul not in the same dinner service that I was? Yes, Jennifer is uncommunicative. But she did well in the first challenge. Much better than Elise. However, all it took was a little private talk instigated by Elise to sway them. Men!

And how can my Gordon possibly let this continue? Because he’s playing the ratings game. People will watch Elise to see more drama. Geez! I, for one, have had enough already.

So those are my problems. And what would have been my question on the teleconference? Well, I’ll let that percolate in your brain. Cause one day? This guy is going to get to me. Somehow. Even if I have to press “star one” until my fingers bleed.

Photo Credit: FOX

9 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – Okay … it’s a setup!”

September 13, 2011 at 1:23 PM

Oh wow, not again!!!! I never really watched the show…kitchens are to be seen..not used except for the microwave and refrigerator. But one of my brothers-in-law would love to have a cook off with Gordon Ramsay! :o) Keep hitting that star button…!

September 13, 2011 at 2:37 PM

(lol) I couldn’t believe my eyes when that Twerp Tommy Dared your dear Gordon to stick Tommy’s head in the oven after Gordon banished him during the nights service! Hell Yea, this is getting good!

September 13, 2011 at 2:42 PM

I know Bronsont! What an idiot. Who does he think he is? He’s lucky Gordon didn’t flatten him. Either verbally or with a nice healthy shove. In fact, I was surprised at his restraint.

September 13, 2011 at 2:38 PM

Yes Mikki…again. But I’m on a mission now!

September 13, 2011 at 6:50 PM

Word, Tara. Last night left me shaking my head yet again. I’m tempted to just check out of the whole show because Elise leaves me so angry…but as it’s the finale next week I know I’ll put myself through more of her bitchitude. (Yes, I made up a word…)

Did the moderator seriously tell you to stop pushing buttons? LOL!

September 14, 2011 at 12:22 AM

Yep. True story, Brittany! And I’m looking forward to the finale too. If only to get rid of her on my TV.

September 14, 2011 at 10:32 AM

Hell’s Kitchen has rapidly digressed to the “I will no longer watch category.” The finale will be the finale for me, unless they turn it back into a cooking competition. As it now stands Master Chef is so much better than Hell’s Kitchen. IMO Gordan Ramsey has sold out to whims of the producers.

September 16, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Great site, good info, loved Tara’s column about Hells Kitchen, now I know I’m not the only one getting fed up with it. Great job Tara, keep it up

January 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM

Is elise wims background from Santo Domingo or Puerto Rico?!!

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