CliqueClack TV

She’s ruining everything … including Ringer!

The premiere of 'Ringer' had an intriguing premise, but lacked in the execution department. Did the show turn it around in the second episode?

- Season 1, Episode 2 - "She's Ruining Everything"

For Ringerit’s a good thing I have a three-episode rule because what I saw tonight in “She’s Ruining Everything” was definitely not enough to make this a must-see show. With the pilot, I had problems with the execution of the episode but was drawn to the story; in this second episode, the story pretty much sucked. Yeah, I know a little blunt, but that’s the way I saw it. In particular, there was a lack of continuity between the pilot and this episode.

My biggest complaint is Andrew. Last week, he was distant and didn’t want anything to do with Siobhan, but now all of a sudden he is a concerned husband? Yes, she is “pregnant,” but that doesn’t explain a flip-flop of this magnitude. What was the arrangement they had and why would the baby alter that? I’m surprised they were even having sex. This complaint barely came in first to my other problem with the episode — way too many coincidences.

Bridget almost gets caught with the body by Gemma, then Agent Machado shows up at the loft, then the party needs to be moved to the loft … on and on. The worst part about it was that I kept expecting the body to end up missing and how does the episode end — with a missing body! No surprise there!

Am I being too harsh? I want to love this show, because it has a great premise that could be amazing. Unfortunately, the first two episodes have not lived up to the potential. At the end, I should be clamoring for answers and on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode, but instead, I don’t really care. Bridget isn’t a mystery and Siobhan is just a bitch. Who am I supposed to care about and root for to come out of this ahead? I guess Bridget, but she is coming across as just plain stupid (how long did it take for her to put on gloves when dealing with the body?).

Enough bashing for now. The scene with Bridget in the bathroom with Juliet was very touching. I wasn’t sure what her purpose on the show was going to be, but I would love to see the two of them get closer. And, Bridget staying for Juliet seems genuine and true to Bridget’s character.

I also enjoyed watching Bridget’s interaction with Agent Machado at the party. She really channeled Siobhan in that scene, but ultimately she shouldn’t have even been in that position. He is only sticking around because Bridget didn’t handle the situation correctly in the beginning. She shouldn’t have acted suspicious. Oh, right, I forgot I was done knocking the show. I hope he ends up finding out what’s going on and becomes Bridget-as-Siobhan’s ally. That would be juicy fun!

So, who is working with Siobhan? If it is someone we already have seen, I have to go with Andrew. It makes the most sense and would explain his change in attitude towards Bridget. He is playing along with the pregnancy news by being a kind and caring husband.

Did you enjoy the second episode? Will you keep watching to see what happens next?



Photo Credit: Michael Desmond / The CW

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | News | Ringer | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “She’s ruining everything … including Ringer!”

September 21, 2011 at 5:39 PM

- Well to be fair Bridget is a former stripper and coke head, they aren’t the smartest bunch usually…

– Its kind of weird for this show to be moving so slowly now. I mean really all she did was get the cell phone and lose the body (creepy guy staring at her after she fished through the corpse’s pockets did it). The rest felt like I was watching a version of Gossip Girls for people in their 30s, which is not a direction where anyone really wants the show to go.

– Now that she has the phone of the hitman and has thoroughly pissed off Siobhan, it looks like things might pick up. Then again it looked like it was going to pick up after she killed the hitman and all that led to was a comedic game of constantly having to hide that body in different places from different people.

– How did she manage to lift that body into the trunk?

– There was more of that music Bob and I complained about. Did Debbie notice this time?

September 21, 2011 at 6:29 PM

Oh yes I did! It really was annoying, and I could stand some background instrumental music, but this was full-out song and dance, like you’d see in an end-of-show montage … throughout the episode! Very bizarre.

I didn’t love this episode either, and I’m a little disappointed. I figured the pilot was a bit sketchy but that they’d find their rhythm and it would be great. I still want to hold out hope, but the writing isn’t strong enough.

September 24, 2011 at 10:57 PM

I actually don’t mind the music, I’ve discovered a few gems and it’s only been 2 episodes.

Great review. I think the Andrew 180 is because they film pilots months before second episodes, right? They film the pilot and wait for it to get picked up? Maybe they decided between filming the first and getting reactions that they didn’t want Andrew to be that cold? I’m not sure but I liked him when he was an ass and I was interested to figure out why. But I like him now too, especially when he was watching Bridget (thinking it was Siobhan) in the bathroom scene.

I liked this episode even though it spent too much time and focus on hiding the body but at least it went missing (even though that was predictable) so that at least there’s some continuance there, not just running around panicking for the sake of one episode.

Overall, I thought this was an improvement from the pilot and I’ll stick around.

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