CliqueClack TV

New Girl – You don’t mess around with Jim … er, Jess

You don't tug on Superman's cape ... you don't spit in the wind ... you don't pull the mask off the 'ole Lone Ranger ... and you know the rest if you saw this episode of 'New Girl.'

- Season 1, Episode 2 - "Kryptonite"

What we didn‘t find out this week on New Girl was where Coach (Damon Wayans Jr.) went. Was that on purpose? Was that something we needed for closure? How could we miss him so quickly after meeting him for the first time just a week ago? Better question: Have I become too invested in this show a mere eight days in … ?!??

On the flip side, Winston’s (Lamorne Morris) introduction was pretty seamless coming into the fold. (Well … except where Jess decided it was a good idea to spring a good morning welcome breakfast in bed on him complete with song. I actually chuckled when I heard her begin to sing.) I waited to see where the visual “awkward silence” was going to come into play with Winston and it just didn’t come; his character slipped into things rather nicely. So now that we’ve “been there, done that,” let’s give that a rest, shall we writers? Lats thing we want is this to become a regular off ramp on the New Girl freeway.

Two shows in and I’m coming to respect Jess quickly. Better said is the idea I’m wrapping around my head about going forward while “cautiously” respecting her. What did so for me this episode? Her resolve to get her stuff back from former boyfriend Spencer (Ian Wolterstorff) with umph. It seems Jess was ready to marry him at one point but realized he was nothing more than “pretty hair” without anything else to offer. (The kicker of her admission when she confronted him was the fact the wary Winston caught wind of her speech as everyone else was supporting her in retrieving her belongings, creating the “happy ending” sort of episode that wrapped up things nicely.)

Well … that is except where Coach was concerned. No real storybook ending there, hey? Maybe down the line?

At any rate, Jess’ “kryptonite” — Spencer and, more specifically, his hair — wasn’t as “doomy” and ominous as she worked herself up about. Jess simply needed a little pep talk and a push. With those firmly in her back pocket along with her friends, it was rather easy for her to “Hulk out”.

And that’s why I’m thoroughly enjoying this comedy (*gasp*) so far. Jess has got something I wasn’t expecting: She’s got the gumption. (Side Note*: If you ever find me using the term “adorkable” to describe Jess, shoot me.)

Two episodes in, how are you feeling about the series thus far?


“It’s so nectar.” — Schmidt talking to Nick about his skull thumb ring
“Did you just make up ‘nectar’ … ???” — Nick
“No … it’s a volleyball term.” — Schmidt

“Your hand is on my leg.” — Schmidt, sitting in the back seat next to Cece
“No. You’re hand is on my leg.” — Cece
“Classic ‘he said, she said’ …” — Schmidt

“That’s the wizard? He’s wearing a scrunchy.” — Nick commenting on seeing Spencer for the first time
“I just kind of assumed he’d have a handlebar mustache.” — Schmidt

* Because everyone — yes, even you — likes the occasional side note.

Photo Credit: FOX

6 Responses to “New Girl – You don’t mess around with Jim … er, Jess”

September 28, 2011 at 1:39 PM

I actually found this show a big disappointment from the premier which was really funny – especially the douche jar. I guess they didn’t want to beat that to death.

September 28, 2011 at 6:29 PM

I like this show so far! Zooey reminds me of Debra Winger circa 1980’s. Maybe it’s the hair, or the voice, or the fact that she isn’t a “girly” girl. Totally chuckled at her circling the block a few times to get her courage up. I’ve done something like that, I’m sure …

September 30, 2011 at 12:08 AM

I LOVE this show! I really am trying to find a quote for when they were in the yard in episode 2 talking about how making jam is hard work…can anyone help me?

September 30, 2011 at 2:09 AM

. . . . .

Yes, Malea:

“The girl made a lot of jam, Spence. You know how time consuming that can be? You need a jar funnel, a canner, some fresh fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, maybe a tayberry …” – Schmidt

September 30, 2011 at 9:01 AM

I still like the show, but in the second ep Jess felt _too_ much like a walking cartoon character. I actually enjoyed her interaction with the pawn shop broker because she toned it down a bit and left room for sympathy.

They did a good job integrating Winston into the show. Also, they were able to maintain some aspects of Coach. Coach was sometimes reluctant because of his personality. But, Winston is reluctant because he really doesn’t know Jess. Although he doesn’t have the natural chemistry with the other two cast members, hopefully, that will come. Because of Winston’s newness, it made sense that that Schmidt and Nick spent more time giving Jess a pep talk this time than the ‘new guy.’

Side note: Isn’t Winston the smallest basketball player ever? I loved Jess hitting him up for clothes because they look like the same size :)

October 20, 2011 at 3:27 AM

Can anyone tell me or give me a link to where I can find what Jess tells Spencer when she tells the guys no I got this and then goes off on him

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