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Boardwalk Empire – Margaret’s resourcefulness comes in handy

Margaret Schroeder proved once again to be the most interesting character on 'Boardwalk Empire.' On a show filled with gangsters, murderers, and bootleggers, that's saying something!

- Season 2, Episode 2 - "Ourselves Alone"

We are only two episodes into the new season of Boardwalk Empire and the conspiracy to bring down Nucky is already in full swing. I have to admit that I’m a little surprised things are moving so quickly, with the conspirators all but identified by Thompson. The question now is what the man is going to do about it. With a resourceful and smart woman like Margaret by his side, I’m not doubting that Nucky will persevere.

And how about Margaret in this episode? Last season I really felt like she was the breakout character. Every week, she became more and more complex, showing just how powerful she was. The trend has continued this season, and I loved seeing her protect her man. First it was sneaking into his office to steal his ledger and recover some of his cash. How many women of the day would even think that these items would be a problem, let alone concoct a scheme to retrieve them before the authorities found them? Do you really think Lucy would have? Me neither. Then, at the end of the episode she had a little pep talk for Nucky, ending with the ledger landing in the fireplace.

Chalky had quite the little adventure in jail. I couldn’t help but be reminded of another of HBO’s great dramas: Game of Thrones. The final scene was so reminiscent of Catelyn Stark’s arrest of Tyrion Lannister at the Inn on the King’s Road. I loved seeing all of the other men in the prison coming to Chalky’s aid. There was some great development of his character this week, and we got to see just how much influence he really does have in the community. I never doubted that Nucky was a smart man, but allying himself with a powerful figure like White was certainly a brilliant move. It seems like Chalky is being taken down along with Nucky, however, and I’m concerned that things aren’t going to end well for him.

Finally, there was the addition of a new character this week in Owen Slater (as played by Charlie Cox). I got the sense that we are going to be seeing a lot more of the character moving forward, and I’m wondering if there is going to be a bit of a love triangle forming. Will Slater be able to put a wedge between Margaret and Nucky? I almost think it’s too soon for the show to be challenging their young relationship. Certainly conflict breeds drama, but I’m so enjoying Margaret and Nucky as a team right now, I hope I am reading the situation incorrectly. What do you think?

I have to say that I did miss some of the characters that weren’t featured in tonight’s episode. Clearly, the world of Boardwalk Empire is a big one and not every subplot can be featured in each hour. Last week I asked for more Chalky and we certainly got it in this episode, but I missed checking in on Van Alden, Jimmy’s personal life, and Al in Chicago. Certainly there is going to be plenty of time to service all of the characters on the show, but I think it is a testament to the quality of the characters that there absence can be so keenly felt in an episode. Besides, it just makes me look forward even more to next week.

Photo Credit: HBO

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