CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – Have we seen the last of our favorite ghosts?

The Halloween treat that Julie Plec and company created for 'The Vampire Diaries' fans went above and beyond what any viewer could have expected from the return of some favorite dead characters.

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "Ghost World"

You know when you’re watching a show, expecting a little entertainment on a Thursday night, maybe an OMG moment or two to round out the evening … then you’re suddenly snapped out of your passive viewing, unable to take your eyes off the screen because your senses are being inundated with holy goodness from all angles? That’s what happened on The Vampire Diaries tonight. This show is always good, but the writing, directing, acting and editing came together in “Ghost World” to produce more magic that Bonnie and her grandmother could ever hope to.

Earlier today, Julie Plec tweeted that tonight’s episode of The Vampire Diaries “was designed to be a holiday treat for our longtime fans. Thank you for caring so much about these special characters.” But this was more than just a geekfest for fans who wanted to see killed-off characters come back. It was moving, completely relevant to the current storylines (can’t wait to find out what the hieroglyphics mean) and so beautifully shot that my eyes are still recovering.

It wasn’t just wonderful that we got to see Mason Lockwood and Lexi and Grams again. They were each back for a very specific reason: Mason, not for revenge, but for redemption (and some kicks watching him torture Damon) and to help Tyler by finding the weapon that can kill an original; Lexi, to help Stefan detox and to teach Elena how to do it; and Grams to help Bonnie do the spell and share information from the other side. We don’t know if Mikael ate Katherine, and we didn’t see Klaus or Rebekah, but everything about this episode flowed seamlessly into exactly where the characters and storylines needed to be.

Are there words to describe the hauntingly beautiful last scenes with Anna? Julie Plec tweeted some time ago that she saw Malese Jow act the scene that made her cry as she wrote it, giving props to Malese for “bringing it.” Not to take anything away from her beautiful performance, but the writing, directing and editing were so spot-on that the scene became about far more than the actors. Choosing “This Woman’s Work” for the background music was perfect, and although I love Kate Bush’s original from the She’s Having a Baby soundtrack, the cover was spectacular and hip and modern and perfect for the vibe of the show. My heart broke for Anna that she was so alone that she stole the necklace so she could stay to find her mother, but was quickly repaired when she and Pearl were finally reunited. And the impact from Anna’s presence will live on in the rift it’s caused between Jeremy and Bonnie.

And what a stroke of perfection that the necklace wasn’t destroyed in the spell. The awesome power of the necklace will surely be needed at some point in the future, so yay for future storylines; but the real beauty lies in the symbolism. That necklace stood for Stefan’s hope, as Lexi related in her story to Elena. Stefan’s hope was not destroyed. Sit with that, let it wash over you … beautiful.


Photo Credit: Bob Mahoney/The CW

9 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – Have we seen the last of our favorite ghosts?”

October 27, 2011 at 10:50 PM

OMG! <3 The Vampire Diaries! Gonna watch it in 10 minutes!

October 28, 2011 at 12:55 AM

actually if found this episodes to be really odd, way too much macguffin-y exposition and plot/story arc convenience

(the Lockwood’s just happen to be looking for a way to kill an original just like Jonathan Gilbert? I mean for being some mysterious bad ass vamps a lot of people sure knew about them and ways to kill them)

and honestly is starting to spiral toward being way to convoluted.

October 28, 2011 at 9:16 AM

Nope, not too convoluted for me yet (I’m actually still on board with Burn Notice, so for me it takes a lot! ;-)), and I don’t think it’s a stretch that the Lockwoods were in cahoots with the Gilberts way back when. The Council has been around for centuries and they’ve all got hidden family secrets. I think it totally works.

October 28, 2011 at 10:34 PM

it doesn’t take a lot for me to jump, even if i really like a show, because it just gets to bogged down. i am hopeful that it won’t happen with TVD, because the show has a great pace and ability to dump, whats not working, and run, to good stuff, but this last ep left me a bit meh, not totally sure why.

i think it might have bugged me how transparent, rushed and kind of trying to hard it was with everything. the necklace as a symbol, everyone have some resolution/emotional catharsis , or crisis as the case may be, etc… it was trying to tie to many bows up in one sitting. also i felt like the whole ep was made just so Elena could say “i don’t want to spent my life loving a ghost”

also, the continuity of the ghosts didn’t settle right, or i didn’t get it. sure, grams said that the “door was open to anyone who had a grudge, or something to settle” but yet Lexie said to Elena “good day to be thinking of me” and how could Mason be there kicking Damon’s ass and 1. not be seen or 2. be there without someone thinking of him? so only people who were dead and pissed off could come back at will but Lexie needed someone to think about her like Anne and Jeremy? ah, wacky rules i suppose.

and with the cave and this whole “originals flashback” coming, i’m not all that interested in that storyline, it looks to be a major middle hump for me to get past, watching wise.

October 28, 2011 at 10:30 AM

I did not start watching TVD when it came out, because I didn’t want to get into another show that was going to be cancelled after a few eps. So last weekend I started watching it on netflix. As of last night I am caught up and completely in love with these characters. Last night’s ep was genius and I am so glad I waited, because the awesomeness of watching that much of it in less than a week has my head reeling. Of course, my daughter has been overdosing on iCarly and I wish someone would come take care of the pile of dishes in and around my sink for me, but I love when a show grabs you so much you’ll stay up half the night to watch it.

Debbie, it was your posts that convinced me it was time to watch it. Your enthusiasm is contagious….

October 28, 2011 at 4:10 PM

You mean my embarrassed reluctance to fall head-over-heels with this show? ;-) I suppose that could be considered enthusiasm! :-) It really is so, so, so good and infinitely better than I ever could have imagined it would be.

October 28, 2011 at 4:49 PM

Hahaha!! It may have started out as embarrassed reluctance, but you know you love this show and your reviews definitely reflect it. It really is great storytelling!

October 31, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Okay, so random thought…

I think they are setting it up for Elena to die. Not permanently mind you, but this whole last episode, I kept thinking that. She’ll die, haunt everyone for a bit, then they will find a way to bring her back, which is basically what happened in the fourth book of the series–the same book that introduced Klaus. I know they haven’t really been following the books, but they have stuck to all the major plot points.

Could be way off, but that’s my $0.02.

November 1, 2011 at 10:24 AM


Question: Is the ‘Other Side’ a lonely place only for the supernatural? Or does it apply to all life, including normal humans?

And the bit I did not understand was when Mason was torturing Damon one scene, then the next, Damon was roaming around in a convertible… I mean, did I miss a scene or something? Way to be subtle, huh?

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