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Saturday Night Live – Emma Stone / Coldplay

Emma Stone hosts an exceptionally bad 'SNL' episode with musical guest Coldplay. Has the comedy well run dry already this season?

- Season 37, Episode 6 - "Emma Stone / Coldplay"

Emma Stone loves her dummy

I love Emma Stone, but this was one of the worst episodes of SNL so far this season. A lame political cold open, and dipping in the well a few too many times with some recurring sketches makes one wonder if the creative juices really have dried up at Studio 8. Best part of the night was the bumper artwork of Emma as Roseanne Roseannadanna. There’s not much to say about each sketch, but if you missed the show and want to have a look, stop back Sunday for the embedded videos.

Cold Open: CNBC Republican Debate — Yeah, they went there with Rick Perry forgetting the third department he wants to abolish. Crickets. Ended with an Of Mice and Men punchline. Still not funny. Ironically, there was a real Presidential Debate on the same night. They couldn’t watch that and try to at least be more topical than doing something everyone has made fun of all week?

Monologue: Emma Stone — Showing how badly the writers lack for good material, Emma simply comes out, mentions her movies from this year, talks about new Amazing Spider-Man movie, and the rest of the monologue is hijacked by Andy Samberg who comes in upside down in a harness rig to audition for the role of Spider-Man. There was a funny reference to Kirsten Dunst’s monologue from 10 years ago … but again, they had to go back to that monologue for material. Bright spot: Andrew Garfield‘s cameo.

Secret Word — I know people are tired of this sketch, but Kristin Wiig makes me laugh every time. Emma didn’t have much to do but she did make out with her ventriloquist dummy as the newly crowned beauty queen.

WXPD News — Herb Welch returns. This time he smacked Emma Stone in the face with the mic as she played an apartment tenent who was almost killed by falling icicles. The biggest laugh came from Herb trying to determine Kristin Wiig’s landlord character’s gender by smacking her in the hoo-hah with his mic. Wiig barely held it together, and Bill Hader broke up a couple of times.

SNL Digital Short: Wish It Would Rain — A not very good song about rain, and then it not raining during the video shoot.  There was also the assistant with the giant shelf butt.

Musical Guest: Coldplay — Not a fan, but they sounded fine, I guess.

Weekend Update — Euro Zone breakup, Herman Cain princess comment, Perry’s gaffe, Paterno firing. The Devil (Jason Sudeikis) comments on the Penn State scandal — he thought it was a recruiting scandal, got his news from Ashton Kutcher on Twitter, ultimately appalled by the whole issue. Devil also claimed to have invented internet nuisances like buffering, term of service agreements that people never read (see you in Hell!), comments sections (see below) and tagging on Facebook. Garth and Kath come back to do a couple of “completely rehearsed” Thanksgiving tunes. Chris Martin from Coldplay comes in as a backup singer who just sings along with them.

Les Jeunes de Paris — I have no idea what this is about. The kids dance, get married by Napoleon and have a baby (played by a little person) … all in a French café. I kind of liked this sketch the first time they did it, but now it just makes me scratch my head.

Bridal Shower — Stone plays the very creepy Wallis, who’s never been to a bridal shower and brings inappropriate gifts like anal lube and Twink Summer on DVD, as well as a “human toilet” and a lot of cocaine. Then she beats up strippers who she thinks are real cops.

Someone Like You — A group of office workers cry to the Adele song for various reasons, with the only excuse for the sketch being to see who can make the weirdest crying face. Best part was Coldplay watching the sketch on a monitor and crying too.

We’re Going to Make Technology Hump — Oooooo-kay. A camera and cell phone have sex. An Xbox controller and and iPad have sex. A curling iron and a GPS have sex. What the what?!?!

So what was your favorite sketch of the night? You can pick two. Go ahead, give it a try.

Photo Credit: NBC

2 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Emma Stone / Coldplay”

November 13, 2011 at 12:36 PM

This was an abysmally, deeply bad SNL show. With all the writing talent in this world, SOMEONE out there has to have a decent joke for this crappy show. Terrible, pathetic, awful. No more same-joke Wiig skits, PLEASE!

November 13, 2011 at 2:37 PM

I loved the Adelle skit. And, some of Weekend Update but the rest … ugh. They rehash the same old skits that weren’t funny to begin with.

I also don’t care for Kristin Wiig at all. So just about every sketch she is in … I don’t really like.

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