CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Completely bum-puzzled

This week's 'Survivor' flipped the game on its head as Colton was given more and more power to rule the game. And he's also showing us what an awful person he truly is.

- Season 24, Episode 4 - "Bum-Puzzled"

The men give up immunity to go to Tribal Council

I think a better headline for this episode of Survivor is “What the frak just happened?!” Wow! I’m really speechless — and I have plenty to say about Colton that I’ll keep private — about what went down this week. I had posed the question back when I first suggested Colton was going to be this season’s super villain (do the naysayers still disagree or think that assessment was too early to call?) that perhaps he would suggest throwing a challenge in order to vote Matt out. Of course, he didn’t have to do that since the women trounced the guys last week and Matt was sent packing without demoralizing the tribe. But to win immunity and hand it to the other tribe in order to vote someone out??? Unbelievable!

It really looked like the women were going to dominate again this week as they easily beat the men for the reward (they finally have their tarp). But the tables turned when the men flew through the immunity challenge, leaving the women in the dust — still working on the second of three puzzles — as they completed the challenge. It seemed that Miss Big Mouth Alicia was going to get her just desserts after becoming upset with Kat for misunderstanding her concern about not being smart enough to do a puzzle. Alicia was all up on her case, and then Alicia basically lost the challenge by not being able to complete a puzzle … even after looking at the men’s completed work! (And, seriously, someone needs to muzzle Tarzan. Calling the women cheaters for looking at the completed puzzle? Come on, even Jeff suggested they look at it for help!) But then something strange happened.

Turns out Leif and Bill had done some bonding and Leif let it slip that Bill was the original target at the last Tribal, and that Colton wanted him gone next. Mike, who knew he was third in line, took the opportunity to stir up the hornet’s next by telling Colton about the conversation. Colton confronted Leif and basically told him he had sealed his own fate, but the win in the challenge seemed to have put that plan on the back burner. Seemed. Somehow, Colton got the idea in his head that it would be worth giving up immunity to go to Tribal and take out the traitor, and his Misfit Tribe members agreed … what else could they do?

I’m still not sure what exactly happened at Tribal. Jeff was agog when the men showed up, telling them this could be the single dumbest move in Survivor‘s 24-season history. The men all discussed Leif’s betrayal and that he had to go because no one could trust him anymore. But somehow, the conversation became centered on Colton’s animosity towards Bill — Bill is poor, Bill sleeps on friends’ couches, Bill doesn’t have a real job, Bill is black … oops, he didn’t say that but he might as well have, especially after the conversation got directed toward Colton’s apparently racist leanings by Jeff. It really became a bit uncomfortable, and I kind of liked Tarzan getting a bit heated about being sick of race being such an issue in this country. But there it was. I can’t really remember Bill doing anything to Colton from day one that would cause such animosity, so either this boy from the Deep South (who is gay and should be more accepting, no?) had a run-in with Bill that we never saw on the show, or his hatred of Bill is based on race whether he wants to admit it or not. We also weren’t shown something else … the discussion between the men that Bill was the one going home. All the way up to and during Tribal, the finger was pointed at Leif until Jeff asked about the tension between Bill and Colton. Ultimately, Colton’s real plan worked and Bill was sent packing for all the wrong reasons.

My biggest question now is why are the men letting Colton run the show like this? He has a hidden immunity idol? So what! He thinks he’s secure, he’s not going to use it, blindside the jackass! He’s worthless around camp, and now he’s making irrational decisions. This would have been the perfect chance to get rid of him, especially after seeing how he acted towards Bill for no good reason. Now the men are cowering because one wrong move could send any of them packing. Who’s to say Colton won’t try to pull this little stunt again? They have now given him the power to do what he wants, so his plan of using that hidden immunity idol as a weapon/shield is working exactly as he planned. He might be the season’s super villain now, but Colton is also showing what a despicable person he truly is. If the men don’t take the chance to blindside him at the next Tribal Council, then they’ll get exactly what they deserve … a one-way ticket home.

“That little Munchkin is about to get knocked back to Oz.” — Colton, after Mike tells him about the conversation between Leif and Bill

“Alicia is just dead weight with a mouth.” — Sabrina

“But I do have, like, African-American people in my life.” — Colton
“Who?” — Jeff
[laughing] “My housekeeper.” — Colton

“But she’s like a member of our family.” — Colton
“A paid member.” — Jeff

Photo Credit: CBS

12 Responses to “Survivor – Completely bum-puzzled”

March 7, 2012 at 11:30 PM

My response was similar to the women’s tribe. Are you kidding? And tribal? It’s been awhile since Survivor has this intriguing as a social experiment. And I love that the Soup clipped it on the same night. Welcome back to water-cooler status Survivor.

I was against your super-villain analogy. Still kind of am, just on characteristics. But Colton is disgusting. You have to think the LBGT community is pissed about him. I am pretty sure there have been other gay castaways, but none that made it the definition of their game play. He’s just a little spoiled drama queen. And sadly, I’m in the deep south as well, and I know a few people like Colton. They come from money and a influential family, so very people are going to speak out against his behavior in general, police aren’t likely to arrest him, and there are no consequences to his behavior. And the fact that he is so over the top stereotype of a bitchy gay man, even a lower percentage are likely to make any consequences of horribleness occur, because that would be a hate crime. Colton is smart enough to exploit the rational thought process of others.

I was so hoping that the guys would use the bullied immunity give away as a way for an epic blind-side as well, but they didn’t.

March 8, 2012 at 3:01 AM

That was pretty awesome that it made The Soup tonight!

Putting Colton’s wretched behavior aside, just his game play, the way he’s wielding his power since he got the idol, puts him in the super villain category. As for as the man himself, he sets the LGBT community and racial equality back 40 years. He’s young, entitled, and maybe his small town life hasn’t exposed him to the ways of the world, but he’s sure going to know about them after this. Everything about him makes me cringe, from his “I don’t believe in handouts” to his not so subtle racism. He’s got a big wake up call coming.

As for his tribe mates, at this point they deserve what they get. Mike, Bill and Jay should have orchestrated the biggest blindside in Survivor history by taking Colton out simply for taking them to Tribal. What were they thinking?! Colton is obviously more dangerous to them than Bill ever was. Why is everyone so scared of him because he has an idol? He wouldn’t have used it and that would have been the end of him. It’s baffling. But I’m dying to see what the big surprise is next week.

March 8, 2012 at 6:44 AM


Maybe I’ve got a “unique” perspective on this but in Germany we call people like Mike, Bill and Jay “Mitläufer”.

You know. Not the guys in the black uniforms with the shiny double S on the lapells.

But rather the ones in the brown shirts raising their arms.

When if not then and there, right now was there a reason for the ones not wielding the power to stand up for their fellow man?

I can’t even be pissed about Colton right now. I am pissed about the people who raised him. He’s young and entitled and stupid. He doesn’t even get it. But imagining what kind of environment he must live in to be able to spout this vitriol is making me sick to my stomach.

March 8, 2012 at 11:10 AM

Well, like Tarzan said, we have a black president and you’d think people would have been able to move past racial bigotry by now. If anything, it’s only gotten worse. And Colton obviously doesn’t seem to understand how much his political party hates him, so maybe it will all sink in one day.

March 8, 2012 at 3:50 PM

It’s easy for me to act all high and mighty from a position totally off camera.

What I really hate is that at the moment I am able to hate on the other guys but not really Colton for my feelings tell me he’s just a spoiled, stupid brat. But then I remember last year when we had that total crazy african american chick on the show and how I hated her guts for her irratic weirdo behavior and how her working with children made it “all so much worse”. How is it that my brain makes me hate on crazy black chicks but tries to find excuses for the totally racist homosexual white guy? I would love to tell you that if I would’ve been on the show I would’ve revolted against Colton but then again – a million bucks, dude! *sigh*

And the irony… remember who gave Colton the idol?

And I don’t think he’s a “Supervillain”. There’s nothing super about him. Russell was super, he’s just an idiot. He, like Russell, doesn’t understand that he can’t win the game this way. Russell know how to work the crows, he pulled people over to his side, he found three idols, he worked his ass off in challenges. Colton just sits there like a cotton farmer in the late 1900s. God it makes me so angry that nobody is standing up to him. Like last season there are one spineless a**holes on the show.

Kudos to Mike for taking it like that. I would’ve been so angry I don’t know what I would’ve said.

March 8, 2012 at 4:04 PM

make that “Russel knew” and “only spineless”.

Had to check on my dinner and then the edit time was over :)

March 9, 2012 at 2:43 PM

Just wanted to clarify, when I say Colton is a “super villain” I mean that in the most comic book of terms. Like any good cartoon villain, Colton is just sitting back and letting his minions do his bidding while running scared because they don’t know what irrational thing he’ll do next! They still should have found their balls and voted him out!

March 9, 2012 at 2:45 PM

Hehe that made me laugh.

So he’s like The Monarch? :-)

March 8, 2012 at 10:11 AM

I don’t think Colton is racist. I think he is just a spoiled elitist. Anyone who he considers working class is poor trash and beneath him. I don’t think the LGBT community is going to embrace him but Colton certainly shows that your sexual orientation makes no difference on if you are a good human being or not.

March 8, 2012 at 7:34 AM

“Spoiled” is definitely the word for Colton. My hope is that with things apparently being shaken up tribe-wise next week, he will lose his death-grip on power over the weak men. (To his credit, he was definitely right to get rid of Matt, because the other guys are just cowardly falling in line. Jonas even acknowledged it in the preview.) This season has been entertaining enough so far; the only trouble is that I don’t feel like there’s really anyone to root for yet. Perhaps “Troyzan”? Nah, his name is just too stupid. One of the women we don’t know that well yet, I guess.

Do you think the producers decide how to shake things up on the fly depending on how the game’s going? It sure seems that way sometimes.

March 8, 2012 at 11:22 AM

For the guys, I really don’t know who to root for, but I’d go with Jay right now. He at least knows he has to vote with the numbers to stay alive. I think it was smart for him to ditch his original alliance when it became clear Colton had suddenly seized the power. So we’ll see if he can step up more. Mike made a bold move to save himself by throwing Leif under the bus, but it still didn’t change the fact that Bill was the target. Colton is just awful, but he’s now the person you want to take to the end. The other guys are just sheep.

As for the women, I’ve liked Sabrina from the start even though she’s basically the one who inadvertently helped create Colton, and I like Monica a lot. She’s proven herself at challenges, that’s for sure, but the rest of her tribe probably still sees her as the older woman who’s expendable.

As for the producers, nothing is done on the fly unless something really unexpected happens. All of the challenges and twists are planned out well in advance. I’m sure there was a big meeting off-camera with producers and tribes when Colton decided to take his group to Tribal Council just to make sure they didn’t violate any rules. Now, the producers do sometimes talk to the players during their interview segments and sometimes ask questions in a way that could lead them in a different direction as far as voting, but that’s more prevalent on Big Brother. But as for the game itself, nothing is done on the fly … unless someone falls into a fire or breaks their arm while not paying attention to Jeff’s instructions!

March 8, 2012 at 10:10 AM

Idiots!! I hope next week the tribes get mixed up and that spoiled brat is knocked down a peg.

I was sick to my stomach when the men walked in. WHY!!!????!!! Just wait til next time. Numbers are key.

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