This chapter of New Girl?
I can’t remember when there was a more unique episode in the season.
As pathetic as I thought Jess was last episode, this one was a 180° turn for her. She still had the innocent looks, but there was a strength in her when it came to dealing with Paul (Justin Long) and Jen. (I’ll get to more on Paul in a moment … I’m getting ahead of myself.) Awkward wasn’t the word for the proposal he “came up with” for Jen with Jess standing there. Thank goodness she was there to guide him, though, or it could have turned out to be a complete and total farce.
Anyway … Russell: He just wasn’t the kind of guy for Jess. Much as she’d like him to be, there was nothing there. It was void, lifeless and ungainly. it’s not like I wanted to see the relationship fail, but it was doomed from the start. And that’s why I was so excited to see Paul back in the picture! It’s not often I compare a couple this way, but they were cute together. But … to see the way things shook out with Jen coming into the picture … and then Paul confessing she was his soul mate (much to Jess’ chagrin), well … THAT was a surprise. I still think Paul will be back knocking at Jess’ door, comical crier notwithstanding.
- This is the third time Nick’s gotten back together with Caroline, right? In all that time, you think he’d know how old she really was. That long in and on again off again on again off again on again off again relationship, you pick up a few things. Like, say … the difference between 30 years of age and 33. Translation: She’s not trustworthy.
- Loved, loved, loved all the barbs at Winston regarding his earring. There were so many I lost track throughout the episode.
- Jess’ “discussion” with Paul to keep Jen out of the loop as she spewed “electoral college” voting notes was terrific.
- When Jess was finally commanded by Cece to stop playing “The River” the aftermath from the guys had me in stitches.
- We saw a softer side of Cece. We knew it was in her somewhere … we just didn’t think it would manifest itself as feelings for Schmidt. (And the horn dog sexual feelings don’t count, folks.)
- Prediction: Caroline screws Nick up once more. You know it’s coming.
- For the second episode in a row, I was under the impression Nick and Jess were … going … to … do … something … (kiss).
- The “poor penis” gags Schmidt keep exhibiting have worn thin. Nix’em, already
- “Jennifer” … “Ruth” … “Toyoli.” Don’t tell me I’m not the only one who thinks Jen’s name is a gas. And … no way in hell, in the real world, Jen would have accepted Paul’s “proposal.”
- Hello! Before the iconic Douchebag Jar was an iconic Douchebag Jar, it was … a jar for tears … ?!??
- Whole lotta “Coach” references, weren’t there? Has it got you wondering if a certain “Wayans” might make an appearance?
- Loved Madhur Jaffrey (Law & Order: Criminal Intent) as Cece’s grandmother at the home.
- I’ve listened several times … and I still don’t get the names and references Schmidt and Winston were lobbing Paul’s way when they saw him again for the first time. Anyone? A little help?
“How do you build a relationship? — Schmidt to the folks in the home
“How ’bout Viagra? I use it just to keep from falling out of bed.” — Burt”
“I thought you were Asian me … but I realize I’m just Caucasian you …” — Jess to Jen

Photo Credit: FOX
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