CliqueClack TV

Grimm – The truth is out there

The beans are starting to spill. Juliette is suspicious, Hank gets railroaded by Monroe. Bottom line? Nick's got his hands full as we approach next week's season finale.

- Season 1, Episode 21 - "Big Feet"

Here we go.

Look around the corner past the surprises of this episode of Grimm and there’s nothing but a pretty routine story going on. But it was all the nifty little surprise placements thrown in that sated our hungers:

  • Juliette comes across hair (unbeknownst to her is that it’s Bigfoot hair) that is as puzzling as it is unidentifiable.
  • Hank is run down locomotive style by a still “voga’d” Monroe, leaving him stunned at what he saw and wondering if he even saw it at all …
  • … and, later, witnesses Dr. Brinkerhoff morph from Vesen to human right before his very eyes as the good doctor expires. Hank is naturally stunned and horrified at what he sees.

Nick’s got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do, doesn’t he? So here’s what I’m thinking: The tables are really going to turn come next week’s season finale. How does Hank react? Does Nick have any other choice than to spill his guts about his Grimmness? … about the Vesen? … about all the odd goings on that have been happening for weeks and weeks? There have been quite a few “coincidences” involving Monroe where Hank’s been concerned, remember … and this episode had him asking what Monroe was doing at the crime scene in Dr. Brinkerhoff’s office. Things are really getting deep.

And let’s not forget Juliette’s on the prowl, too. (Plus, next week’s preview showed she got “scratched” or somehow wounded (by a Vesen?) which could spell dire consequences.

What it comes down to is that the season finale is going to be a doozy, complete with a surprise or two I don’t think anyone see’s coming.


  • Here’s what I know about Vesen: Most of them could give a rip about suppressing their animalistic tendencies. Monroe and others — especially the ones who have manic, aggressive behaviors — have gone the extra mile to minimize their urges and keep control of them through meditations, modified diet and other managements. What doesn’t work is modern technology … drugs and the like. Why? Simple. They’re animals … and old school, old world animals at that. European, even … the worst kind. Modern medicines aren’t going to quell generations of heritage and breeding. There’s too much “ungapotchkin” inside them to be tamed by anything other than their will to do so. And even then it’s pretty shaky going if you try and attempt it. That right there is why Dr. Brinkerhoff’s concoction didn’t work on Larry the Bigfoot or the others. Too much “primal” birthright and endowment to be overcome. (Even Monroe admitted it took him years to control his urges … and still he continues to struggle with them.)
  • Did anyone get the correlation as to why Monroe was reading “The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire” … ??? You … yes, you in the back row: You think you know the answer? “Yes, Mr. Noble … it’s because Nick is gradually undermining, and will ultimately destroy, the woven fabric of centuries of Vesen heritage.”

Very nice. Give that man a cookie.


“The answer’s obvious: These murders were committed by a barefoot man carrying a wolf.” — Wu to Nick and Hank

“Who wants to talk about my childhood? No one wants to hear that …” — Monroe

“Everything has an end … only the sausage has two.” — Monroe to Nick after both deposit Larry the Bigfoot in the woods


Photo Credit: NBC

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