CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Quotation Marks – Veep, MasterChef, Rookie Blue

Join the Clique as we Clack about some of our favorite (summer!) television quotes from the previous week. Did we miss something from one of the season finales? If so, share it with us in the comment section!

So You Think You Can Dance – The most entertaining auditions of the season

We were treated to some pretty awesome opening performances for the contestants to showcase their wares. Still, there were things that just shouldn’t come to light in the show.

Millennium – A dud and a standard setter

The next two chapters in the ‘Millennium’ showcase feature a confusing and limp “Gehenna” and a story that sets the pace going forward for who Frank Black is …

MasterChef – More auditions, more hopefuls

I’ve heard of many foods. I’ve cooked many foods. I’ve tasted many foods. But I’ve never, ever had “root-a-baygers.” Have you? (I’m certain my thick-accented Cajun relatives from down south will set me straight next time I visit …)

MasterChef – Cooking blind

Right out of the gate we get a dish called “Frog Leg Egg Foo Yung.” Want to take a wild stab and guess whether or not the contestant who whipped that up made it through the initial round of the competition?

CommercialClack – Kayak and its strange commercials

Advertising and marketing can sometimes be odd pools to dip your toes in. Take the commercials has to offer of late …

Touch gives us a season finale with some nice affectations

Throughout the season, I wondered how ‘Touch’ was going to wrap up its initial outing. Even though it didn’t end the way I thought it might, I’m happy to say it did so quite nicely.

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