CliqueClack TV
Moments on television where you have to wonder: What were they thinking?

Vampire Diaries – It’s OK to love them both

A discrepancy in the short trailer for last week’s ‘Vampire Diaries’ and the actual episode left this viewer wondering what would have happened if Rose actually gave her sage advice to Elena within the episode.

by Guest Clacker

The full frontaling of Kim Kardashian

What are we crying about today? Full-on nipple and ass crack. You won’t believe how ridiculous this celebrity drama is unless all common sense has abandoned you.

by Michael Noble

Ron Moore’s “adult Harry Potter” is one tall order to fill

‘Battlestar Galactica’ creator Ronald D. Moore recently had a new creation of his picked up by NBC, and it’s being touted as an “adult Harry Potter.” Oh Ron, do you need help out of that corner you’re painted into again?

by Keith McDuffee

CommercialClack – One of the most controversial commercials of 2010

Tara and Michael start off the year by taking a look at one of last year’s most notorious advertising pieces. How do you feel about it?

by Michael Noble

Justin Bieber episode to be featured on Glee! And then everyone comes to their senses.

The rumor that took on a life of its own … then dashed the hopes of Gleeksters coast to coast.

by Michael Noble

The Discovery Channel nixes Michael Jackson’s autopsy re-enactment

I’m trying to figure out who, exactly, would find any entertainment value in a program such as this. And I’m coming up blank.

by Michael Noble

CommercialClack – The ghosts of bad advertising

The economic recession has hit the advertising market. How do we know this? Because it appears 5 year-olds produced these two commercial travesties.

by Michael Noble
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