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Eggs over-easy – The Rookie Cook tries her first recipe


egg-gourmetsleuthI love eggs. Sadly, I can’t cook an over-easy egg to save my life! So unless someone makes the eggs for me, I don’t eat them as I can’t make them. Some people tell me I can’t cook my eggs the way I want to because I don’t have the right pan and spatula. Others say my technique to turn the egg over is all wrong. Before spending money on a proper egg pan and the right spatula, I decided to give a try to a trick I found in The ‘I Don’t Know How to Cook’ Book. (On a side note, this book has really easy to make recipes. Sadly, it doesn’t have a single picture to help rookie cooks make the easy recipes. Not even a picture of the end product!)

Let’s begin our Rookie Cook lessons with 102 – Cooking over-easy eggs without having to flip them over.

Here are the steps to follow based on The ‘I Don’t Know How to Cook’ Book:

  1. Melt the butter (or alternative) in a frying pan over medium heat. When melted, crack the egg into the frying pan.
  2. For “over easy,” let cook until the white is almost done. As the egg cooks, spoon hot fat from the frying pan on top of the egg. The top will cook, but you won’t risk breaking the yolk during the flipping process.

Sadly, the end product, at least for me, was not what I was looking for. I want my over-easy egg to have its yolk intact so *I* can break it when it’s on my plate. What I got instead was a greasy egg with part of the yolk cooked that looked nothing like what a usual over-easy egg looks like. I was quite disappointed. It didn’t taste bad but the fact that I had to spoon hot fat on top of the egg made it taste even more like butter. And with part of the yolk cooked, I didn’t have the joy of breaking the yolk in the plate to dip my toast into it.

I haven’t tried this tip a second time because I was too disappointed with the end results. So, I didn’t pass lesson 102 yet and I haven’t bought the right pan and spatula to flip the eggs properly.

Do you have a tip I could try to make over-easy eggs without flipping them? Have you tried the tip I mentioned in this post? If so, what results did you get? Share your experiences and tips with us by commenting below. You may help me pass this critical lesson!

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2 Responses to “Eggs over-easy – The Rookie Cook tries her first recipe”

February 2, 2009 at 7:16 AM

I used to have the same problem! For a while I would just cook the eggs covered on low heat, instead of spooning fat over them, but the white didn’t cook enough and the yolk cooked too much. Really the best thing to do is get over your fear and practice the flipping, it comes out much better. Make sure your nonstick pan isn’t scratched, use enough butter (or olive oil!), and a thin spatula so that the egg kind of rolls over, instead of being plopped back onto the pan, making it more likely to break. Good luck!

March 8, 2009 at 3:18 PM

Yes – I have a tip for you! Instead of spooning fat over the eggs, I microwave a few Tbs of water to boiling (with such a small amount, it boils in a matter of seconds) and then dribble some of that over the yolk. It’s enough to set the yolk. Then cover your pan and cook for a minute or two more (you’ll have to adjust based on your stove/heat level) and voila! :-)

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