CliqueClack TV

I am one with the people, for better or for worse

Get a load of those People’s Choice award winners, eh? No, I didn’t vote, and I wouldn’t have even considered myself a voice of the masses before, but I agree with a lot of the votes, particularly the TV categories. It’s a little weird, but I think I am one of “the people.” When did that happen?

I’ve always thought of myself as a divergent thinker, a salmon swimming downstream, if you will, or a robin flocking north for the winter. Now I find out my impeccable taste is shared by … others? I’ll not recover from my shock easily, but let’s break it down, in a desperate attempt to retain some of my credibility as an original mind.

I suppose I can easily get out of this one: The Vampire Diaries was voted as the favorite new TV drama. Yes, I watch it. Yes, I love it. Yes, I even review The Vampire Diaries for CliqueClack TV. But, I am completely embarrassed to admit all of that — does that help at all? Am I not one of the masses if I’m mortified to be considered so? Does a tree falling in the woods make a sound if no one is around to hear it? Or something like that….

Perhaps if I squawk about the Favorite new TV comedy being Glee, I won’t look like one of the sheep. Modern Family should definitely have won, or maybe Cougar Town. Definitely Cougar Town, because it’s not as revered by critics and viewers. But really, when you get right down to it, Glee is super-cool and it gives me some hope in humanity as a whole that they could vote for this unique show. Baaaaa.

There’s not a lot I can say about House as Favorite TV Drama. People, you make me proud to be one of you. Smart, quality writing at the top of your list? I weep a little at my restored faith in the collective intelligence of America. If I must be a part of you, then let’s worship at the altar of Dr. House together, or on the steps of Hugh Laurie’s Hollywood mansion, since he’s your favorite TV drama actor.

I really, really didn’t think enough of you watched the best show on television to ever have it see the light of day at an awards show, but here you all went and voted Supernatural your favorite sci-fi / fantasy show. Perhaps I shall worship at the altar of humanity. I apologize, for I just didn’t know you all would know quality if it smacked you in the face every Thursday night at 9:00. For that, I thank you, and I humble myself to be a part of you. Now how can I get my divergence back?

I’m definitely going to save a little face here, because I loathe True Blood, voted Favorite TV Obsession. When someone thought, “Hey, lets take a cute and spunky little series of guilty pleasure books and turn them into a really boring TV show,” they lost me. They bastardized my beloved books, and for that they must pay. I diverge from you, oh people of the common mind. Your True Blood, it is inferior and I laugh at your obsession, oh I laugh heartily.

Anything like credibility coming back at me?

Photo Credit: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW

5 Responses to “I am one with the people, for better or for worse”

January 8, 2010 at 9:39 AM

That’s funny, because not only did I disagree with most all of the winners (it would have been nice if they’d also announced the nominees in every category), I also didn’t know who half the people involved in the night -– between winners, announcers, name-drops, and people in the audience -– were.

But Johnny Depp as de facto actor of the decade? Yeah, they got that one right.

January 8, 2010 at 9:53 AM

Oh, don’t get me wrong — I am not so “one with the people” that I actually watched the awards show, nor do I know who most of the other winners in some of the categories even are … I suppose I could have gotten a little credibility back had I mentioned that, eh? ;-)

January 9, 2010 at 5:16 AM

I realize you’re just being facetious, but it should be pointed out for the benefit of your readership that undiscerning abrogation of everything beloved by the masses makes you just as much their puppet as mindless adulation would. In other words, like what you like for your own reasons, and to hell with what everyone else thinks.

Eh, Johnny Depp? Either overrated or overexposed.

January 10, 2010 at 2:01 PM

I don’t feel that’s the case, but even if it were it doesn’t affect the performances he turns in every time he appears in a movie.

January 14, 2010 at 8:18 AM

Definitely overrated, then. :D

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