CliqueClack TV

Pretty Little Liars – Things are happening so fast!

Oh my God - What an amazing episode. Did you watch? What did you think? Is Alison alive? What is the deal with Ian? I'm just floored at the gooey goodness of 'Pretty Little Liars'!

- Season 1, Episode 13 - "Know Your Frenemies"

This A is really on the money. Practically omnipresent. Just after Spencer overhears Melissa and Ian talking with Ian saying if someone finds out the truth, they’re going to have questions, and to remember they are in this together, Spencer finds an email — “Married for love or an alibi? – A” That’s quite a mysterious character. A seems to know basically everything at the exact moment it happens. My imagination is just not good enough to figure out how someone can be that good.

Noel (who seems to wear a lovely shade of merlot lipstick) is continuing to bribe Mr. Fitz. The girls aren’t ruling him out as A, but he’s far more mean spirited than the notes he leaves. His connection with seemingly everyone in the neighborhood would give him access to news (including Aria’s brother, Mike), but not as much access as A has. His creep-o-meter rating has risen rapidly in the past two weeks. You have to hand it to Ezra for not falling for it. Thing is, it didn’t even matter, because if the timing of the episode was correct, Noel had already told Mike he would tell the principal even if Ezra gave him an A.

I loved the scene when Alison found Hanna eating an entire pie, a flashback inspired by A sending a text to the formerly heavy Hanna to eat an entire six pack of cupcakes decorated with pigs with the promise that if she does, she’ll get her money back. As a bunch of asshole athletes sat at a nearby table saying “oink oink,” she finished ‘em off and got another text, to “get rid of it.” Who, other than Alison herself could possibly know these things? And all the while, Noel is watching. But the joke is on him in the end. “A is for Alison not Amateur.” Brilliant!

Well, last week I was not on the Ezra train, but this week I’m back on. He’s a really sweet guy who is just caught up in something that, in ten years, wouldn’t even be a problem. And he wants to do the right thing. That’s admirable. Not to mention the fact that the only other even halfway decent males on this show are the girls’ dads (at least one of whom had an affair with a student).

Like I’ve said, I haven’t read the books, but I’m tossing out there that the hallucination Hanna had of Alison in the hospital wasn’t an hallucination at all. I have no idea where she is, or why she is letting people think she’s dead, but I don’t think the body they found was hers. Whatever happened must have been so out there — and she’s so cunning — that she thinks she is the only one who can bring someone to justice. That ending? Just WOW! Clearly, I’m in a fog with regard to this mystery, but I am so enjoying the journey. What are your thoughts?

  • “If lying was a crime, we would all be in jail. ” – Emily
  • “It’s only a felony if they find out.” – Ashley (that’s the spirit!)
  • “Hanna’s right about Cooper. We need to find some kind of proof.” – Spencer
    “Thank you Veronica Mars!” – Hanna
  • “Hey, even though this doesn’t look right, it has always felt right. And I will not let him change this into something that feels wrong. I just can’t.” – Ezra to Aria

Photo Credit: ABC Family

One Response to “Pretty Little Liars – Things are happening so fast!”

January 25, 2011 at 11:38 PM

Thank you for reviewing this show … I too find it a lot better than most of the other shows on TV these days.

As for Allison … I am pretty sure she’s dead … when they found her body … these days it’s pretty easy to correctly identify someones remains. Doesn’t rule out her having or being a twin though …

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