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America’s Got Talent – Four more acts are sent through to the next round

Last night's live show was a let down as a lot of acts failed to impress. Tonight, Piers even said that after rewatching the performances, he should have buzzed two more times! Did America gave a second chance to acts that failed to impress? The results coming up!

- Season 6, Episode 16 - "Four acts advance to the top 24"

America's Got Talent

First up to face the music were The Rhinestone Ropers, Thomas John, and Silhouettes. Talk about a no brainer here: two acts that were terrible last night and one act that got two standing ovations! Even Sharon said that the pairing made it obvious to know who would be going through to the next round. That didn’t stop Nick from doing the usual way-too-long pause before announcing who was getting a spot in the next round. Without any surprise, Silhouettes was voted through as they should.

Hot Chelle Rae performed their hit song “Tonight Tonight.”

Next up were Steven Retchless, Attack Dance Crew, and Geechy Guy. This pairing is not as obvious as the first one. Steven was great but his act may not appeal to a lot of people. Attack Dance Crew were good but not wow. And Geechy Guy’s performance was okay but not amazing. Howie also said that it’s not obvious but he doesn’t think Attack Dance Crew will move on. Nick announced that Steven Retchless is going to the semi-finals! Wow! I didn’t predict it at all because I was doubtful that people would vote for him. Howie and Piers argued a bit as to if America got it wrong or right. Howie reminded Steven that he may be a bit outrageous for America and that he should think about that.

Daniel Joseph Baker, Dani Shay, and Dylan Andre were asked to the stage. It’s great that they were paired together as it meant only one of them going through, meaning less singers going through to the next round and more variety. America voted for Daniel Joseph Baker! I expected America to vote for Dani but I’m thrilled that they voted the showman through. He definitely is the best entertainer of the three.

The next guest performers, 7 Fingers (their official name is “Les 7 doigts de la main”), took the stage. They performed their show titled “Traces.” Steven Retchless must have been pretty happy to see other men “dance” on a pole! It showed him where he could take his act next.

The last three acts were called to the stage: Smage Bros. Riding Shows, Mona Lisa, Landon Swank. Nick announced that Mona Lisa were going home. The judges had to decide which one of the remaining two acts would be going through. Sharon picked Smage Bros. Piers voted for Landon. It was up to Howie to pick the winner. He gave his vote to the Smage Bros. Too bad for Landon as it would have ensured at least one good magician would be going through. Magicians aren’t that loved on ‘AGT,’ eh?

Going through to the next round are: Silhouettes, Steven Retchless, Daniel Joseph Baker, and Smage Bros. Riding Shows. This means that I got two out of four acts right in my predictions. How did you do? Do you agree with America’s choices?

Next week, another group of twelve performers will try to get your votes.

Photo Credit: NBC

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