CliqueClack TV

Parenthood – Is Seth Sarah’s Christopher Hayden?

I just couldn't stop myself from making 'Gilmore Girls' comparisons when I watched Sarah, Seth, and Amber on 'Parenthood'. Not that that's a bad thing.

- Season 3, Episode 8 - "In-Between"

Maybe I’ve spent too much time in Stars Hollow, but when I watch Lauren Graham‘s Sarah Braverman on Parenthood, I continue to draw comparisons between her latest TV character Sarah, and Graham’s most famous character, Lorelai Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls.

And watching Sarah wax poetic about the possibility of reuniting her family with Seth, the fresh-from-rehab father of her two children, and seeing her daughter Amber later plead with Seth not to mess up her mother’s happiness, I was reminded of Lorelai, Christopher, and their daughter Rory.

I’ve seriously been trying to blot out my memories of Lorelai, and give Graham’s Sarah some time to evolve as a distinct character with a different back story and different traits. And in the past few episodes, as Parenthood writers have given Sarah a meatier story line, Lorelai has not immediately leapt to my mind … until this past episode when the writers pulled me back to there … not that “there” is necessarily a bad place to be.

Amber’s appeal to Seth to stop screwing around with her mother’s emotions and muddying up her love life reminded me of Rory’s appeal to Christopher not interfere with Lorelai’s budding relationship with Luke Danes (even though Lorelai and Luke broke up twice because of Christopher). It doesn’t help matters that Parenthood‘s Sarah is currently dating her daughter’s former high school English teacher, just like the Gilmore Girls‘ Lorelai dated her daughter Rory’s high school English teacher and was even engaged to him.

But putting all that Stars Hollow business aside, the writers gave Seth a full-hearted story line, which I appreciated, particularly the scene where he was stopped in his tracks upon learning that Amber had saved the card he’d sent her for her eighth birthday. The fact that he left town when Amber asked him to, and that he left two packages of birthday cards for his children for all the years he’d missed, point to the possibility that he, like Christopher Hayden, may be back to haunt Sarah. I guess that all depends on John Corbett‘s schedule.

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this warm, resonant episode, even the moments with Zeek — who normally annoys me — when he realized that the 60s are indeed over and that he’s no longer hip, something driven through his thick skull by the blank looks on the faces of the twentysomethings at the recording studio who’d never heard of Jefferson Airplane. Ouch.

There was also a tenderness to Adam and Kristina’s exchanges, especially when it came to the subject of the attractive assistant Adam and Crosby hired. Kristina rocking that red dress and then being horrified that breast milk leaked out onto it was so genuine, as was the conversation in Adam’s office when he professed to find her truly beautiful. What a wonderful portrait of a marriage.

I even liked watching Crosby defend his paternal turf against the infringement of the suave Dr. Joe, who not only (accidentally) sullied Crosby and Jabbar’s Harry Potter experience, but who also wanted to be the one to take Jabbar to his first football game. It was hard not to feel for Crosby AND Dr. Joe, who was just trying to show affection for the cute-as-a-button little boy.

Overall, this was a rich episode that rang true throughout.

Photo Credit: NBC

3 Responses to “Parenthood – Is Seth Sarah’s Christopher Hayden?”

November 9, 2011 at 5:51 PM

The answer to the silly question n the title is NO. And this is a dumb article. Seriously, really bad.

November 9, 2011 at 7:31 PM

The plot line of Sarah dating her daughter’s teacher is taken directly from the original Parenthood movie (although in the movie the mom dated her son’s teacher). In reality, Parenthood the movie, did it before Gilmore Girls.

November 13, 2011 at 8:49 AM

Ignore these negative comments ^
It’s a great article, well written too.
I can see where you have drawn these similarities from, I myself and many others in online forums had the Gilmore story lines cross the mind when watching this episode.
Well done to you for writing it down properly and putting it out there.
Ok, so maybe this was written before Gilmore or whatever, but it doesn’t take away the fact that for Gilmore fans watching the show, will see the similarities. It’s not a bad thing! Many Gilmore fans, like myself, watch the programme mainly for Lauren anyway!!

At no point in this article did she say that Parenthood were straight up stealing Gilmore story lines, the title was to draw in and attract Gilmore & Parenthood fans! To catch our attention! She mentioned the parallels in the shows, and how she liked how Parenthood had expanded on the story lines of the other characters, which Gilmore Girls did not do so much.

Steph & Christine – why you gotta be so mean???

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