CliqueClack TV

Is Game of Thrones as good as its buzz? – Quibbling Siblings

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic. This week, Bob tries to convince Debbie that 'Game of Thrones' is every bit as good as the buzz surrounding it.


I can’t believe the buzz around Game of Thrones. It is the furthest thing away from my genre (hence my feelings about that ridiculous screencap above), so I never read the books and didn’t even give watching the series a second thought. But CliqueClack — and the whole internet, and the whole family! (read: boring cookout conversation) — is frenzied about the goodness of Game of Thrones.


What can you say to convince me that I’ve actually missed something? Something beyond ancient and fantastic political backstabbing, I mean.


Pretty sets?

Seriously, I know you well enough to know that you probably will not like this show. It’s a fantastic show, and you’re totally missing out, but you won’t like it. For being an epic fantasy setting, the show really focuses on people. There is no big evil monster threatening to destroy the world, there is no big wizard who “knows what must be done.” No, this is a show that throws away a lot of the tired cliches of the genre. Instead, the focus is on the relationships between the characters … and the politics.

Yes, at the heart of the show there is the battle over power of the kingdoms, but that is not what every second is about. Probably the most impressive part of the series is the complete and total immersion into a different world. This is not our universe, and George R. R. Martin, along with the writers and producers of the show, have created an incredible deep, well rounded, and HUGE universe. Filming took place all over the world just to get the look right. The production value is top notch.

Oh, and sex! There’s lots and lots of sex.


Ooooo — I do love me some good … sets. What did you think I was going to say?

I’m probably much more inclined to watch something epic and political if it has some actual historical basis, like The Tudors or The Borgias … not that I’ve tuned into either of those to date. I do so appreciate the painstaking attention given to sets, costumes and other period detail in those types of shows.

And really, I’m happy for you and all the others having GoT orgasms throughout the land. It’s really satisfying when one of your favorite books (or series) can come to the screen is a satisfying way … like Charlaine Harris‘s Southern Vampire Mysteries … oh, wait. No.


But really isn’t all the backstabbing and politicking just like a soap opera of sorts? I can’t imagine it’s all that different than what happens on a show like Vampire Diaries. It’s all just a little more epic in scale.

And it’s not all politics. That is the crux of the story, but there is more to it. There is a romance, a story of a young man entering the military, a great father/daughter relationship, and dogs! Did I mention that there are direwolf puppies (which look suspiciously like dogs)?


Really, nothing about my Alan Ball dig, eh?

I think the difference is I’m just not all that enamored with the backstabbing for political power and gain. The shows I watch with backstabbing, they’re in it more for survival and, well, teenage angst. But you might have me at dogs. …


Always baiting me with the True Blood mocking, eh? It’s not his finest work, but it’s a hell of a lot better than those cheesy books. What’s the matter? Were you so upset because he left out the Elvis-is-a-vampire character?


Oh, you had me at Elvis. …


Photo Credit: HBO

9 Responses to “Is Game of Thrones as good as its buzz? – Quibbling Siblings”

July 7, 2011 at 11:44 AM

Were you the one who also disliked The Dark Knight?

July 7, 2011 at 4:12 PM

Yes, that’s her.

July 7, 2011 at 11:50 AM

I hit enter before I meant to. That should be addressed to Debbie. After all this time, I don’t think Debbie and I have ever watched the same show. How strange! :)

July 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Yes, that’s me — should I be hiding? ;-) Surely DK and GoT don’t have too much in common?

July 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM

Just quality. ;oP

July 7, 2011 at 7:16 PM

Oh I could make a case for them being alike. There are wolves (bad guys, not direwolves) who do violence everywhere, they prey on the sheep, happily unaware, then there are sheepdogs who do violence, but only to keep the flock safe. It’s a theme that can be applied to many things really! :)

I just remember being surprised by it. Ruby has the right of it. We’re all wired differently. Quite honestly, none of my friends have an interest in what I enjoy watching. They find my sci-fi/fantasy habits amusing.

July 7, 2011 at 1:05 PM

Based on watching Season 1, I’d say GoT has much more in common with The Tudors and The Borgias than with a traditional fantasy show like Legend of the Seeker. I watched The Borgias at the same time as GoT, and I found the two shows very similar in a number of ways. GoT feels like historical fantasy, especially when you think of it in terms of the War of the Roses (Starks vs. Lannisters / Yorks vs. Lancasters). And this may be a stretch, but joining the Night’s Watch seems akin to joining the Church or an order like the Knights Templar. I wouldn’t push the analogies too far, but I’m just pointing out that this is more like a historical drama than a fantasy.

That said, some people are not wired to enjoy fantasy. My little brother is like me, easily drawn to fantasy, but my mom and older brother don’t get it. They prefer true-to-life stories. I think it must have something to do with personality.

July 8, 2011 at 9:34 AM

Boobs and baby dragons…together at last. What’s not to like?

July 8, 2011 at 7:32 PM

Couldn’t see the boobs in the picture … but you may have a point. ;-)

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